15 Phrases That Will Help Us To Be Emotionally Intelligent

15 phrases that will help us to be emotionally intelligent

For a few years we have been hearing repeatedly the importance of being emotionally intelligent. However, we are so saturated, that in the end we only know that there are a lot of skills that we have to achieve, but we do not know how to reach them, if we are on the right track or if we have already achieved them.

The truth is that the fact of being emotional beings and also being intelligent can seem quite complicated. However, this largely depends on how we approach our training.

Therefore, in this article we want to propose in a simple way the possibility of achieving part of this great ability, taking into daily practice the attempt to understand the following 15 phrases:

1. Daniel Goleman and emotions

What Goleman means by this phrase is, neither more nor less, that our emotions shape our character, our way of being and how others perceive us.

Girl with flowers presenting emotionally intelligent people


2. Plato’s point of view  

There is not a single moment in our day to day when we are free of emotions, even if we do not know how to identify them. Everything we learn in our life is partly determined by our basic emotional state and what it originates from. 

3. Goleman’s emotional empathy


There is no direct relationship between what we understand by academic intelligence and emotional intelligence. A person can be extremely intelligent and have excelled in school but still not excel in life.

4. Earl Gray Stevens and confidence

Only by asking the best questions can we get the best answers. This is determined based on our awareness of what we think, say and do in the face of others and ourselves.

man with a light in his hand symbolizing emotionally intelligent people

5. The wisdom of Arabic proverbs

This phrase is one of the best definitions of empathy out there. We must know that empathy is one of the great pillars of emotional intelligence. Feeling how others feel and knowing how to handle it is as important as self-knowledge.

6. Contagious emotions, Daniel Goleman

We can neutralize our senses, but we cannot be able to escape our feelings and emotions. Whatever we do, we will feel good or bad to a different degree, attending to the different levels of the same continuum of state.

7. And more from Goleman

And that’s because, as Blaise Pascal stated, the heart has reasons that reason doesn’t understand.

12. Emotionally intelligent beings according to Caruso

The truth is that the heart tells us what to do, but reason tells us what to avoid and helps us understand ourselves. That congenial heart and reason is our greatest aspiration as you are emotionally intelligent.

 13. The reason seen by Donald Calne

Feeling helps us get going as we work out how best to do it. Hence, knowing each other deeply in both aspects helps us to be more effective when making decisions and directing our lives.

14. The wisdom of the Dalai Lama


There are healthy emotions and unhealthy emotions, emotions that enable us and emotions that disable us. We should welcome joy, sadness, surprise, or anger while we should avoid anger, revenge, hatred, or depression.

15. Final brooch by Daniel Goelman

If we want to be emotionally intelligent, our heart does not allow the option of allowing others to feel bad, as far as possible we have to try to avoid all the suffering of which we are aware.

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