4 Habits That Ruin Your Rest And How To Fix Them

4 habits that ruin your rest and how to fix them

At times, you may feel fatigued, tired, or almost in low spirits. Stress, obligations, deadline changes and even unforeseen events rob you of part of your time, especially if you have not had a good rest. For this reason, identifying those habits that ruin your rest is essential if you want to have more energy, meet your goals and of course, enjoy a relaxing time.

In general, a rested mind is less dispersed, more concentrated, and more predisposed to achieve internal balance. Among other things, for this to be possible it is necessary that when you go to bed you try to disconnect. But sometimes this can be tricky. Just as you close your eyes, thousands of thoughts begin to appear and prevent you from falling asleep.

A study carried out by the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) highlights the dangers of lack of sleep in the brain. Their results confirm that not sleeping a minimum of hours on a recurring basis can permanently affect the brain. In addition, they also claim that chronic sleep deprivation can cause the brain to consume itself, which increases the risk of developing neurological disorders.

Therefore, below we show you 4 habits that ruin your rest. When you get rid of them, you can once again enjoy a restful sleep and enjoy that much-needed feeling of relaxation.

1- Sedentary lifestyle

One of the habits that ruin your rest is a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity prevents the body from expending energy. And this often interferes with sleep patterns.

In addition, exercise is particularly important for the balance of rest cycles, as it stimulates the secretion of substances such as serotonin and melatonin.

Man looking at mobile on sofa

Therefore, we recommend that you practice at least half an hour of exercise a day. Of course: if you do intense workouts, it is important that you carry them out between 3 and 4 hours before going to bed. In this way, the body will have time to rebalance its internal activity and exercise will not interfere with your sleep.

2- Electronic devices

These days, most of us  spend much of our day using electronic devices. Check notifications, surf the Internet, check the different social networks … These habits occupy a large part of our time, even in the hours before we go to bed.

This hyperconnectivity prevents us from enjoying the moment. But, in addition, numerous studies suggest that the blue light emitted by electronic devices interferes with the ability to sleep well. For this reason it is not recommended to use it before sleeping.

Now, if you want to do something before going to bed, we recommend that you replace electronic devices by reading a book an hour or two before going to sleep. It is an option that will notably favor your rest.

3- stress

We all have a certain amount of stress built up. Whether due to job responsibilities, family problems, financial difficulties or even everyday inconveniences such as simple traffic jams. The point is that we have a hard time relaxing and disconnecting.

Now, according to some psychologists, a  normal amount of stress is healthy for both our body and our mind. The feeling of tension causes the release of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that improves mood and memory.

However, when stress is constant, the cortisol level remains high and the brain can suffer the consequences. In fact, one of the first things it usually affects is rest. Therefore, if you think that your stress levels are preventing you from sleeping, try to reduce it as much as possible. Techniques like relaxation, yoga, or meditation can help you.

Man under great stress

4- You are too busy

The last of the habits that ruin your rest is excessive multitasking. It is possible that, without being aware, you are addicted to being busy. How could it be otherwise, this affects your rest. Keep in mind that if you are juggling to reconcile your personal and professional life, sooner or later this will affect your sleep routine.

For this reason, it is important that you examine the tasks that you normally perform. Which are necessary and which are superfluous? If you think you need more sleep,  focus only on those that really require your attention.

On the other hand, if you find yourself very exhausted, you will not be able to rest properly or relax. Therefore, if you want to enjoy your hours of rest, you have to start reducing your workload. If possible, we recommend that you delegate some of your responsibilities to other people.

Thus, if lack of sleep is a problem in your day to day, try to eliminate the habits that ruin your rest. Discard the ones that don’t work for you and do your research and find your own methods. Recharging your body will improve your quality of life in an unimaginable way.

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