4 Techniques To Self-regulate Emotions

4 techniques to self-regulate emotions

The different emotions are born for some reason and it is never a good idea to contain them by system, you will encapsulate them under pressure in our interior, in the same way that it is not to give them the helm without control of our behavior. There are techniques to self-regulate emotions and that make us smarter in this field.

One of the most difficult emotions to manage is anger, because it is one of the ones that gives us the most energy . There are many people in the world who allow themselves to be invaded by anger and end up saying or doing something that hurts themselves or others. Likewise, fear sometimes takes control, creating limits that hinder our growth or hinder our quality of life.

That is why it is so important to know the techniques to self-regulate emotions. They are simple methods that allow us to manage what we feel, so that it is easier to reach a balance point between containment and expression. These are four of them.

1. Vipassana, one of the techniques to self-regulate emotions

Vipassana is an ancient method of meditation  that is based on self-observation. The name means “to see things as they are. For the cultures of India it is equivalent to a means to develop “the art of living”. The technique basically consists of taking time to see yourself, as if you were looking at yourself from the outside.

The idea is to go to a quiet place, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Observe the breath. Become aware of how air enters the body, to leave later. The next step would be to review each of the areas of the body to identify what it feels like to go through them mentally. It is appropriate to do this every day, for a few minutes. It is an exercise that helps develop self-control.

Person doing meditation representing techniques to self-regulate emotions

2. Virtual environments

Another technique to self-regulate emotions is the use of virtual or imaginary environments. It consists of exposing yourself, in a simulated way, to different situations in  front of which you feel particularly vulnerable. The second step will be to evaluate them (both the situations themselves and your feelings). Currently there are psychologists and institutes that have the necessary technology to reproduce certain situations digitally. However, it is not the only means.

When the necessary technology is not available, nothing better than resorting to imagination. You can draw or describe in words some of those situations in which you feel that you have no control. The idea is to identify what exactly are the stimuli or moments that lead you to feel outside of yourself. Then, try to understand that emotion, its reason for being and what could replace or lessen it.

3. Art therapy

Art therapy is much more than a fad or one of many trends. In fact, it has always existed, but only until now has it been given the importance it deserves. It consists of using the different arts as a means to express emotions and achieve greater emotional balance. In addition, it also helps to elaborate psychic conflicts and to construct new meanings.

This is one of the most effective techniques to self-regulate emotions because, mainly, it invites you to express them through creative language. This fact alone already implies a step forward. Emotions must be thought and rethought to be expressed through writing, painting, crafts or any other vehicle that is used. Practiced consistently, it nurtures self-control.

woman painting representing and representing techniques to self-regulate emotions

4. Self-assessment

Lack of control over emotions often stems from a lack of self-recognition and self-worth. We feel tense because we push ourselves too hard or because we punish ourselves for our mistakes, instead of concentrating on the successes. This tension makes us become too sensitive to certain elements, such as criticism, difference or demand.

A good idea is to give us a thorough weekly or monthly evaluation. In this case, it is not about identifying where we have failed during the last week or the last month, but quite the opposite.

The objective is to identify our successes, the reasons we have to congratulate ourselves. This simple exercise helps us reconcile with ourselves. And reconciling us makes us smarter by regulating our emotions.

woman thinking about techniques to self-regulate emotions

Techniques for self-regulation of emotions are not magic recipes. However, the mere fact of putting them into practice helps to bring about visible changes in us. Thus, learning to manage what we feel will allow us to live a more peaceful life.

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