5 Teachings Of Luis Rojas Marcos

5 teachings of Luis Rojas Marcos

Luis Rojas Marcos is undoubtedly one of today’s psychiatrists who has a lot to offer us. An intelligent, simple man who captivates with his way of speaking. Today we are going to discover some of the teachings of Luis Rojas Marcos that will invite us to make deep reflections.

Luis Rojas Marcos is undoubtedly a wonderful man who has a lot to contribute to our emotional life. It is one of those people that just by listening to them, you already feel calmer and you begin to see things differently.

A Spaniard who took his suitcases and decided to emigrate to New York to study psychiatry and practice his profession. A Spaniard who has managed to be the pride of a country, with his humble gaze and his sincere and simple words. One of those people that we cannot stop meeting in life, even though in this case it is through books and his small interventions on television.

I remember the first time I saw Luis Rojas Marcos on television. I immediately liked it. His simplicity, his temperance and his humility in speaking captivated me.

When intelligence and effort come together, reflected in a broad academic training, honesty and the desire to fight in this case outside of your country, finally life should help you. Through some of the teachings of Luis Rojas Marcos, today we want to pay tribute to him.

1. “ Optimism helps us fight without demoralizing against adversity”

Being optimistic is a job. Every day we have to try to be a little more optimistic. And it is that happiness according to Rojas Marcos depends on ourselves 60%. What are we waiting for to be happy, to try to see the glass half full and not half empty? Remember that 60% depends on our attitude. 40% is up to you.

girl with her cat enjoying their pets

2. “Traveling is a good way to learn and overcome fears”

Without a doubt, we all have to have traveling as a compulsory subject. Traveling opens our minds, helps us to see the world through other people. It gives us security.

When traveling and being in an unfamiliar environment,  we learn to overcome obstacles and fears…  Fears of feeling alone and lost without anyone to help us; fear of believing that we will not know how to fend for ourselves.

3. “Feeling that one governs one’s life program is … a fundamental piece of mental balance”

Life is uncertain, yes. But it is also true that each of us needs to know that his life is stable and safe. That we have a job, a roof, food to shelter us. When we lose that security, illnesses such as depression or anxiety appear.

A clear example of the aforementioned is the economic crisis that we are experiencing in Europe. Crisis that has triggered this type of evil in advanced societies. When we reaffirm ourselves in “In this life there is nothing certain except death”, we leave many fears behind.

woman appreciating the wealth of the soul

4. “A sense of humor should be mandatory in medicine cabinets”

This fourth of Luis Rojas Marcos’s teachings does not say that the sense of humor is capable of cushioning the blows, of seeing our daily problems from another perspective. Laughing at many situations and even at yourself is tremendously healthy. Why, when things don’t go as expected, don’t you laugh at yourself, the situation and whatever it takes? Take it as a “nice” personal work

 5. “The positive or negative assessment we make of our health can predict the years that we have left to live …”

The power of our brain is incredible. He is able to make us live with a better or worse quality of life, that we live longer. Therefore, we must learn emotional intelligence from a young age. Without a doubt it should be a subject that should be in all schools in the world … Don’t you think the same?

I hope you have enjoyed these spectacular teachings by Luis Rojas Marcos to reflect and continue learning from this wonderful path that life is … And remember that your attitude is the greatest determining factor …

Which of these teachings by Luis Rojas Marcos would you choose?

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