5 Ways To Focus In The Middle Of A Storm, According To Zen

The first thing you must learn to focus in the middle of a storm is that problems are necessary to evolve and positive if you accept them as a means of learning. This is how you get to put them in your favor.
5 ways to focus in the middle of a storm, according to zen

Focusing in the middle of a storm is not only an art, but also a necessity. Because it is precisely in the most difficult moments when we most need serenity in the heart and tranquility in the mind to know how to act. It is also in those situations that we become most vulnerable to error.

When things get complicated, we usually react automatically. Either we get completely blocked or we respond impulsively and chaotically. Sometimes that state lasts for a long time. Focusing in the middle of a storm means going beyond those basic reactions.

The center is that point of equilibrium in which we once again feel like owners of ourselves. Reason takes the helm and we can use intelligence to define the next step to take. According to Zen, to focus in the middle of a storm it is convenient that you carry out the following actions.

1. Close your eyes and breathe

This is the immediate action you must take to focus in the middle of a storm. Zen tells us that this is basically what we should do, when a situation arises that in one way or another overwhelms us.

When we close our eyes , we establish a cut with the external and we refer to ourselves. At first, such a cut is necessary, as is trying to regain our normal breathing rhythm.

This simple act protects us from sudden reactions, which often aggravate the problem that is already present. Closing our eyes and breathing acts as a kind of anchor that prevents us from getting carried away.

Woman with closed eyes relaxing

2. Release control

You may be surprised to learn that many of our worst emotional states are born out of the desire for control. Since this is basically impossible, it easily leads to a feeling of irritation, frustration, and helplessness.

You could almost say that we have no control over anything, at least in an absolute sense. Therefore, the fantasy of control does a lot of damage. In a difficult situation it is good that you remember this. Allow the facts to flow and place yourself in an observer position. As that reality unfolds, you will understand it little by little.

3. Make art, a way to focus in the middle of a storm

When we speak of a storm we refer to those stages in which everything seems to conspire against us. When things go wrong or something so decisive has occurred that it invades everything. We feel like toys of destiny.

All of this can cause us great suffering. However, to get out of those states or those stages, we first have to regain our center. One way to achieve this is art. Not art based on something specific, but art for art’s sake. Carry out creative activities and focus on them as a tool to release our emotions, vent and unleash our ingenuity.

4. Find something that makes you laugh

Although crying often creates a feeling of relaxation, this does not compare to the cathartic power of laughter. When you laugh, there is a real release, both of emotional pressures, and of neurotransmitters and hormones that improve your mood.

To focus in the middle of a storm, find a way to laugh. Watch a humorous movie or read something funny. Look for funny videos or listen to jokes, if that’s the case. After laughing, you are sure to feel much better. Also, without realizing it, you will have a greater capacity to reduce the severity of difficulties.

Happy senior woman opening arms

5. Spend time in nature

Zen insists a lot on the importance of having frequent contact with nature, especially in difficult times. Plants, in particular, have a color and vibration that are highly positive for the brain. The whole natural environment is relaxing and gives you a deep sense of peace.

Contact with animals is also often very beneficial. The animals are noble and some of them are very sensitive and affectionate. They are a very positive energetic presence, which facilitates emotional and mental unblocking.

Zen tells us that problems are there not to haunt us, but to teach us something we need to know. Our culture promotes the idea that we should live happy and relaxed all the time, but this is not real. And if it were, it would be unhealthy. Through difficulties we managed to evolve. Focusing in the middle of a storm is only learned, when you accept this.

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