6 Questions That Will Help You Find Happiness

6 questions that will help you find happiness

If you were a journalist and had the opportunity to interview yourself about happiness: What would you ask yourself? Are you sure you would have all the answers?

What if they told you that you can help yourself be happier by completing a simple questionnaire? Would you accept it?

If to find happiness we must meet certain parameters and conditions, then we will never be happy in life. Of course, because subordinating our feelings to something or someone outside of us makes us dependent.

There will never be a 100% ideal situation to have a smile from ear to ear. As the great Freddy Mercury said in his song “Show must go on”: “Even if my makeup runs, my smile will go on and on”.

The really happy people are not the ones with the most money, nor the ones with the fewest problems.

Imagine characters like Gandhi or Mother Teresa of Calcutta. They were joyful without having material things, but love and compassion for others. You don’t have to become one of them, but  you can work on improving your life without depending on external factors.


The questions that will help you find happiness wherever you are are:

1- Do I need to be grateful? Gratitude is one of the ways we have available to be happy. When everything is going “smooth sailing” it is easier to say thank you. The challenge comes when the news is not all good. At all times you have things to be thankful for. If you can write a list and you will realize it.

2-  What increases my happiness? This is one of the most difficult questions to find an answer to. Why? Because human beings tend to keep things or people in mind that are bad for us. The same does not happen with what causes us joy.

Focus on what gives you satisfaction and the will to live. That is where the most genuine happiness resides!

3-  What have been my progress? When we focus on the failures and all that we have to go to meet the objectives, it is easy to become demotivated and “plant a white flag.” Don’t let this happen!

Look back only to take the lessons you need and also to recognize what you have accomplished so far.


4- Who loves me? We can have hundreds of contacts on social media, get along with colleagues at work, or receive warm greetings from our neighbors. However, the people who really love us are counted on the fingers of one hand (if you are lucky with both hands).

The love of the other gives us a lot of satisfaction. When you feel lonely or sad you can think of these people. They will become your strength and help you to continue.

5-  Who can I help? Happiness often escapes our fingers like sea water or sand on the beach because we are too focused on “me, me and super me” And others? Don’t they deserve to be happy too?

We are not talking about pure altruism and shedding all assets like the characters we have named before, but about helping those around us. A simple gesture can change a person’s day. That will allow the reunion with our true essence. You will be very happy the day you make someone else happy.

6-  How can I help to have a better world? There are thousands of options at your disposal but it is not about choosing just any one by lottery or because the idea sounds nice to you.

Try that the contribution you choose defines you, makes you passionate, gives meaning to your life, helps you find happiness.

You may find him saving whales, avoiding forest clearing, recycling garbage, feeding a street dog, or donating medicine for children.

Finally, do not forget that happiness does not consist in having everything we want but in knowing how to appreciate what we have.

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