8 Creativity Traits

8 creativity traits


Creativity is a complex process that still amazes researchers. The issue is not reduced to the use of one hemisphere or another of the brain. It cannot even be defined as the result of a cognitive process as such, but it also involves strong emotional components.

From a psychological point of view, it is also difficult to define what is a creative personality and what is not. What is certain is that those who are more creative tend to have more difficulties to function as society demands. His mind is more chaotic and active and therefore becomes unpredictable.

Still, there are some traits that seem common among those who are creative. The ones that we point out below stand out.


They daydream


It is a trait that brings many problems to those who have it. Fantasizing is not a highly valued attribute in Western culture, which places great emphasis on “keeping your feet firmly on the ground. That is why many classify these minds as “idle.” It is, however, an unmistakable trait of creativity.


They are observant and curious


Creatives tend to look for details in everything. Anytime, anywhere, there is something that captures your attention and it is usually not the obvious. So they focus on it and then they do as much research as possible about what caught their interest.


They look for new experiences


Creative people look for situations that allow them to break out of their daily routine. It is not necessarily about those who throw everything into the fire and are going to travel unknown paths. Rather, it is an attitude in which variety is viewed with warmth and enthusiasm.


They are attracted to challenges


If someone is creative, they will be very motivated to find a challenge. Not necessarily a crossword or some intellectual game. Simply the mystery attracts them and they want to unravel it to everything, to understand it. Discovery and find are two essential words in your dictionary.


They don’t have a good time perspective


The typical creative does not measure time in hours or minutes. Once you have focused your attention on something, you can spend days, weeks, or even years in awe of it. He rarely adapts to an eight-hour job. Rather, it oscillates between laziness and obsession.


They are sensitive to aesthetics


Almost all creative people have some interest in art. Either as producers or as spectators. Music, theater, cinema, painting and all the arts exert a strong attraction on them. It is a non-obvious language that feeds your intuition.


They tend to be lonely


Loneliness occupies an important place in the lives of creative people. They need retirement because their mind is usually working all the time. They think, deduce, wonder. .. It is a constant activity in which others have no place.


They are not demotivated before the error


Those who are creative see in error an almost wonderful reality. After all, the mistake is a discovery. They thought they were right and were suddenly surprised by a mistake. This, instead of demotivating them, becomes a revelation for them that encourages them to move on.

Image courtesy of marta… madui-xaaaa

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