Free Your Mind

Free your Mind

The brain is a very powerful machine, you cannot imagine the great strength it has. Use it to your advantage, free your mind from things that harm you.

Animals do not have the power to think or to worry, they do not remember the past, nor do they think about tomorrow. They live the present in its entirety, taking advantage of every minute, living it to the fullest. Humans have the power to reason, to remember times gone by, to worry about the future.

In theory we are very privileged, but the mind can also play tricks on us and can take away our happiness, if we do not free it from everything that is not necessary. How to get it?

1. Don’t let your thoughts go to the past

How many times do we think about the past, we remember mistakes we made, we think that if we had made other decisions now things would be better for us. Thinking about the past can stagnate us. The past is behind us and for many turns that we give it. nothing will change.

Woman among water lilies thinking about the past

Try to put a positive focus on your past. Each of us has done what we could and, although we have made mistakes, we have learned from them . We tend to think that we would have done better if we had made other decisions, but that is not the case, in reality we could have done much worse as well. Since we cannot guess what would have happened, it is best that we look ahead. Free your mind from your past.

2. Free your mind avoiding worrying about the future

It’s okay to think ahead to make some decisions, but you can’t predict the future either. Life takes many turns and you cannot know how it will go. The best thing is to live in the present, because it is the only moment that can be lived.

No minute that passes can be recovered, thought and worry only serve to paralyze, so begin to value and appreciate everything that is around you. Remember that when you are thinking about the past or the future you are missing the present, you stop living the “now” to think about other times.

3. Get rid of labels, traditions, beliefs and norms

Free your mind and do not enclose it with the labels that have been instilled in you throughout life. For example, tradition says that to be “normal and valid” you have to get married, start a family, study a career, etc … And if you don’t follow those traditions you are the rebel, the black sheep of the family.

Many, without realizing it, follow rules governed by society without stopping to think about what they really want. You have to listen to yourself without intermediaries. Do with your life what you want, you do not have to follow any pattern, the answers are within you.

As long as you do not harm anyone, your life is yours and you are the owner of it. Make the decisions that make you happier, do n’t fall into the trap of following an instilled model. Also in advertising and mass media consumption they try to make us believe that we have a need for us to buy a certain product. Many times, they will make you feel that you need to have the latest model of mobile, laptop, musical equipment in order to be socially accepted.

And if you don’t have it, they could make you feel like you’re out of modern society. A person who frees his mind does not need to give an image to others.  They don’t care if they have the latest electronic novelties, or if their clothes are of a certain brand, they just do what they really want, without following the pack.

Think that in a few years you will look back and make an assessment of your life. You will feel either happiness or bitterness. Depending on whether you have made your decisions out of your own conviction or if, on the contrary, your choices have been by external imposition, by gender norms, stereotypes or beliefs that will make you completely unhappy. It’s up to you!

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