Scream, Sing Or Talk, But Live Life At Full Volume

Scream, sing, or speak, but live life out loud

Laugh, cry, jump, turn around, return, say goodbye, put an ellipsis, deal with life, fall in love, enjoy chocolate, smell a good perfume, make mistakes, rectify, write a love you, ease the crying heart, listen to our favorite song, surprise us, get angry, think, sigh …

We could go on forever. Give free rein to our imagination and think about all those things that are worthwhile and joy. However, this text is above all “hopefully.” I hope you live every day of your life. But really live, well lived.

We should sing, dance, talk and shout. But nevertheless, we end up becoming pots. In automatons of life. In bodies with calendar heads that wear the watch that matches the clothes that colors their life on their wrists.

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Enough self-deception, life is fleeting and we waste it

Don’t be fooled because you no longer need to have the best and latest on the market, make the most expensive trip, have a resounding success or get the ideal body with the blow of a scalpel. That already, even more so when you reach a certain age, is not worth as much as before. The bad thing is that it takes us time to realize it.

As John Lennon said, “life is what happens while we make other plans. As if there were no time limit, when in reality time is the finest thing there is and it will always come to an end.

We forget that the transience of the sand when passing to the other side of the clock is our option to go to the other side and continue climbing the mountain. We also forget that at the moment it is the only life that we have the certainty of being able to share.

Heart with cobwebs

What we learn over time


But starting to build that path is often a matter of time and self-love (even if it is out of necessity). There is a text, attributed to Jorge Luis Borges, that tells us precisely about this, about the need to become aware that the passage of time is, many times, what brings us greater awareness to our lives. Enjoy it !!

Over time I learned the subtle difference between holding someone’s hand and chaining a soul. Over time I learned that love does not mean leaning on someone and that company does not mean security.

Over time … I began to understand that kisses are not contracts, nor are gifts promises. Over time I learned that being with someone because they offer you a good future means that sooner or later you will want to go back to your past.

Over time … you realize that getting married just because “it’s urgent” is a clear warning that your marriage will be a failure.

red cloud woman

Over time I understood that only someone who is capable of loving you with your defects, without trying to change you, can bring you all the happiness you want.  Over time you realize that if you are next to that person just to accompany your loneliness, you will inevitably end up not wanting to see them again.

Over time you realize that true friends are worth much more than any amount of money. Over time I understood that true friends are counted on the fingers of the hand, and that whoever does not fight for them sooner or later will be surrounded only by false friends.

Over time I learned that words spoken in a moment of anger can continue to hurt the one you hurt, for a lifetime. Over time I learned that anyone can excuse me, but forgiveness is only for great souls …

Over time I realized that if you have hurt a friend badly, most likely the friendship will never be the same again. Over time you realize that even if you are happy with your friends, one day you will cry for those you let go.


Over time you realize that each experience lived with each person is unrepeatable. Over time you realize that whoever humiliates or despises a human being will sooner or later suffer the same humiliations or scorn multiplied squared.

Over time I learned to build all your roads today, because tomorrow’s terrain is too uncertain to plan. Over time I understood that rushing things or forcing them to happen will cause them to not be as you expected in the end.

Over time you realize that in reality the best thing was not the future, but the moment that you were living right at that moment. Over time you will see that even if you are happy with those who are by your side, you will miss those who were with you yesterday and have now left.

Over time I learned to try to forgive or ask for forgiveness, say you love, say you miss, say you need, say you want to be a friend…. before a grave …, it no longer makes any sense …
woman in clouds

We postpone our life to a better time in which we have more hours in the day or we have managed to meet our goals. And, with this, we forget that our watch does not know the world beyond the 24 hours that it knows how to mark and that the option of fighting with our dreams is what it gives us today.

We have forgotten that living is understanding that time passes bluntly and that it gives us the option to appreciate the little things that truly loving ourselves offers us. Precisely living consists of this, in knowing how to recognize and appreciate the paths that give us clues to understand that our better half is within us and that it does not make much sense to look outside for the most important thing that life offers us.

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