Above All He Will Be The Hero Of My Story, Not The Victim

Above all, he will be the hero of my story, not the victim.

There always comes that moment when we finally take the step. In which we decide to be the protagonist and not the victim, in which we strike a blow at our vital scenarios to design with courage and courage our own reality: there where humiliation, blackmail or offenses do not fit.

Often times, the word “victim” carries a disrespectful connotation. There are those who define this profile as that person characterized by a passive attitude that is limited to blaming others for what happens or that he or she promotes. However, “victimhood” has nothing to do with “real victims. They are two completely opposite aspects that you have to know how to differentiate with respect and adequate sensitivity.

Many of us have been victims of some person or circumstance at a certain point in our lives. Injustices exist in public spheres but above all, in private spaces. It does not matter how respectful we are, that we are just children, that we have a high status or we already have a heavy experiential backpack.

Life hits when it wants to. And for a while, we will be: victims of a deception, an accident, hypocrisy, a bad relationship, our own decisions or any dark cloud that likes to hover over our hearts.

We can’t always control these executor threads of destiny. However, we can choose the best response to leave the victim behind and become the hero or heroine of our own story.

man with red sweater

The separate “me” that the victim constructs

A victim does not always choose his position nor can he get out of that personal and psychological jail just by wanting to do so. To understand it better we will give you an example. Elena – it is a fictitious name – is 18 years old and dreams of starting her law studies in Budapest, Romania. However, due to financial and especially family problems, he knows that it is really difficult for him. This complex situation encourages her one day to accept a job offer.

See an ad requesting domestic helpers in Spain. The salary is good, and if you save enough, you could start your studies after a while. He does not hesitate and takes the step. However, that decision, which at first is an act of courage, becomes days later the worst choice of his life.

You become one more victim of human trafficking. When he arrives in Spain, he realizes that he has no choice but to prostitute himself to finish paying for a trip. Thus, you will end up longing for your land of modest dreams and realities just as unfair as those that exist in the destination country.

When she is finally cut off from that world by a social organization, Elena remains a victim. It is for a very simple reason: it has built a separate “me” in which it now identifies. That entity has stopped trusting people, blames itself for what has happened and feels that it has no control over anything, absolutely nothing that surrounds it.


His conditioning is such that he no longer has a present, nor does he conceive of any future. The identity of the victim has taken root in his whole being. However, Elena can “rebuild” again to be herself. To be what you want to be.

Strategies to move forward leaving aside our identity as victims

Each person goes through or has gone through their own circumstances that have placed them in that situation of vulnerability. The last thing we should do is blame her or lead to expressions such as “he has asked for it when starting that relationship” or “is that these things always happen to you because you have no character.”

  • A victim does not choose to be. A victim does not fight only to flee from an external focus that causes pain, he also fights an internal fight where his self-esteem is totally fragmented.
  • People who have been injured cannot get out of their personal depths overnight. It is a slow, torn and delicate process of rebuilding identity where you need to regain confidence. Confidence in oneself and in their environment.
  • Whoever is the victim of a certain circumstance, whatever it may be, conceives the idea that there is no escape. The moment you put that attitude aside, and let yourself be guided by a process of authentic and close accompaniment and support, you will discover that there are other ways. Other options that can change your reality.

To conclude, life can harm us when it wants to, and we will be, we will be victims for a certain time. Only until our inner strength says enough. Only until we take the reins and become architects of our own reality, to create new horizons as true heroes.


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