All Your Criticisms Have Made Me Grow

All your criticisms have made me grow

You are not doing it well, that color is fatal, where are you going like this? Are you really going to accept that job? You don’t know how to defend yourself well, etc. These are some of the criticisms that we continually hear from all those people who they have a tendency to constantly criticize. Or maybe you are the one who criticizes?

Whether you have been criticized or you have criticized, you should know that this reveals a considerable lack of security and a lack of self-esteem. Something we may refuse to do, but that’s the way it is. And do you know what? Sometimes, the criticisms they give you are not true, but are praise or envy disguised as something negative.

There are no “constructive” criticisms

all your criticisms have made me grow (Copy)

Sometimes we ask people to please give us constructive criticism. Even sometimes these same people to excuse themselves call their criticisms “constructive” as if that would do you less harm.

Criticisms are never constructive, because they destroy us, damage our ego. We can look at them as a good thing, but deep down they hurt us. Do you know what is behind all those that call themselves “constructive”?

  • Corrosive criticisms, whose objective is to make the person who emits them feel better. Perhaps the person feels a terrible rage and needs to unleash it on someone. You have been his target, without any guilt you have been the target of a rain of criticism that you cannot stop. Useless, negative criticism, whose objective is to do harm.
  • Destructive criticism, which sinks our self-esteem, tramples it, makes us feel like people who are worth nothing, who have nothing to offer, who are useless. These criticisms distress us, focus on the negative, and make us feel like we’re never doing anything right.
  • Criticisms that hurt, just as we are sensitive to praise, we are also sensitive to criticism. That is why it is important to be sure of oneself, trust in our abilities and take care of our self-esteem. So any criticism can never hurt us.

All this exists behind the so-called “constructives” that do not really build, but destroy. We already know what we have done wrong, we have the capacity for self-criticism!

We do not have to look to others for those criticisms that we already make ourselves and from which we will learn to improve. Do not look for them to criticize you, because they will make you feel bad.

We are surrounded by criticism

girl on swing avoiding criticism

Take all the criticism thrown at you. You may ask for some of them and you realize that it has not been a good idea, others will come without any sense.

We are surrounded by criticism, because they look at us with a magnifying glass. At the very least, everything we do will be criticized. Perhaps because there are people who are so bored in their life that they need to criticize that of others. Perhaps they are just looking for that meaning that they do not find in their own life.

What we must learn is to know what our strengths are, learn from our mistakes, trust ourselves and not give too much importance to what others say.

More than anything because many are the result of boredom and some do not even appear to hurt, but for the mere fact of being bored and having to talk about something.

Your criticisms are stairs to climb

Take each critic, just as you learn from your mistakes, and make a ladder out of each one

woman with fish happy to avoid criticism

Climb the steps of that ladder made of criticism and you will see how you overcome them

We always see the bad side of everything that we consider negative, but like mistakes, everything can be learned and criticism can help us grow. What are you waiting for to make your own staircase?

Images courtesy of Joe Diamond, DawnElaineDarkwood, Loika

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