Brilliant Parents Who Excite Their Children

Brilliant parents who thrill their children

There are good parents, good parents, and brilliant parents. Understanding and respecting the different ways of educating, as varied and diverse as parents exist, the vast majority want the best for their children, they love them and want them to be happy. For that they establish rules and limits that work in each home, creating a unique system. A dynamic that will be different for each family. These dynamics can be modified and adults have to identify when it needs a review.

The rules and limits that parents establish in each family nucleus must be clear and direct, as well as firm. On the other hand, they have to be reviewed and renewed as many times as necessary. This will lay the foundations for the family dynamics of each system, which will vary depending on the stage in which it is and will generate a flow of situations. Situations that will in turn be peppered with emotions and sprinkled with unforeseen events, and will constitute the breeding ground for the psycho-emotional development of each of the family members.

Good parents and bright parents

Augusto Cury, psychiatrist, therapist and writer, in his book Brilliant Parents, Fascinating Teachers, gives us keys to educate happy, proactive, safe and intelligent young people. In addition, it discusses seven habits of good parents and brilliant parents.

Father talking to his daughter

1.- Good parents give gifts while bright parents give their whole being

Good parents satisfy, to the extent that their resources allow, the wishes of their children: they buy them clothes, toys, they have birthday parties, they take them on a trip … Bright parents give them something more valuable, something they don’t It is not bought with money, they give them their whole being, their history, their experiences, they share their emotions, their time. This bright parenting habit helps to develop in their children self-esteem, emotional intelligence, the ability to handle losses and frustrations, to dialogue and to listen.

7.- good parents give opportunities, brilliant parents never give up

Good parents overlook the mistakes of their children. Brilliant parents never give up, even if their children disappoint them, make mistakes, don’t appreciate them, and suffer from emotional upheaval. Bright parents believe in their children, they try to see what no one sees, they are seeders of ideas and they are not dominant with them. They develop in their children respect for life, hope, motivation, determination and the ability to question themselves, to overcome obstacles and failures.

Parents often lose confidence. They feel like they are failing as parents. But you have to think that being parents carries a great responsibility, yes. But from the affection, from the simplicity. We can learn educational strategies, read theories, the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky, Freud’s psychoanalysis, Gardner’s multiple intelligences and Plato’s philosophy for decades, but if we do not enchant, we do not excite, we do not teach to think or conquer memory deposits of our children, no study will be valid or applicable.

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