Cowardice Ages Us More Than Time

Cowardice makes us older than time

Cowardice ages more than the years inscribed in the wrinkles of a face. Dreams broken by lack of decision weigh more than a century inscribed in a look and a mouth that I love when it saw the occasion. Because whoever did not risk when he could out of fear or pride, feels an emptiness in his soul, a thorn in his heart.

We talk about lost hopes. Something curious that they repeat to us very often is that “ trains pass every day for those who know how to wait” or “that opportunities return for those who go out to look for them again” . But also, we must be aware that there are certain things for which there are no second chances.

Cowardice, lack of courage or fear are factors that put ropes on our feet and chains on our minds. However, before regretting all that was not lived due to indecision, it is necessary to see our timeline in a different way.

There are no beginnings and endings. There is a continuous and new restarts that we must know how to integrate and promote with adequate psychological approaches. We suggest you learn them with us on this occasion.

If it was cowardice, it is already part of the past: we must move forward

Woman walking down a track

Maybe it was cowardice. Pride may have blinded us too much to that love and now we only have desire, sorrow and regret. It is possible that it was fear. A deep fear of uprooting our roots, of crossing our borders to start new projects, new lives that would have brought us more happiness.  Who knows…

However, far from falling into a kind of obsessive melancholy of “what would have happened to my life if …” it is necessary to restructure this approach in a more inclusive way. The “lost train syndrome” is something that we have all suffered or will suffer at some point.

In an interesting article published in the “American Journal of Psychology” entitled Nostalgia: withdrawal or support in difficult times, it is explained that the events of the past, disappointments or even those trains that we let slip by lack of decision act in many people as “molds subconscious ”.

Those molds determine us, put walls to our present and irremediably condition our future. It is not the right thing to do, you have to advance wisely and wisely …


We continue to maintain the image of a continuum. Only now, that straight line is made up of circles, and each one contains a stage of our existence. It is like a chain, like a jewel of precious pieces of various colors.

  • If we visualize it for a moment, we will capture the magic of the idea. To move forward with greater poise it is necessary to bravely close each circle of our life. The next link in this chain begins with a new circle where we are the architects of what we want to add to it.
  • Now, we have to be aware that there are things that will no longer be able to be. In the previous circles there were people who are not going to return. There were also projects that cannot be started. However, a new canvas is opening before you that deserves to be used with everything you have learned, seen and felt.

Cowardice has remained forever in those circles of the past. Now you are a new person who has allowed himself to grow, who feels good about himself and believe it or not, keep moving, keep transforming into something wonderful as long as you want it, and allow it. It’s worth a try.

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