Find What You Are Passionate About And Dedicate Yourself To It

Find what you are passionate about and dedicate yourself to it

Imagine getting up every day with enthusiasm, working every day with a smile, wanting to go to work, making money doing something that you are passionate about and feeling fulfilled professionally and personally by being yourself.

All this is possible, you just have to find your Element and dedicate yourself to it.

What is the Element?

Sir Ken Robinson, a world expert in the development of human potential, wrote together with Lou Aronica a book that has changed the lives of many people, who have understood that they are creative and that dedicating themselves to what they are passionate about makes them happy. That book is titled “The Element.”

The Element is defined as the meeting point between natural aptitudes and personal inclinations.

Woman enjoying outdoors

Therefore, the Element is defined by two characteristics and two conditions :

1.- Capacity

It is the natural facility to do one thing. We all have something that we are good at doing, something that we do faster and better than other people. It can be about math problems, writing, dancing, singing, making paper airplanes.

2.- Vocation

You can be very good at something, but you may not like it. To find your Element you need that something to be good for you and also to be passionate about it.

When you do something that you are passionate about, time passes quickly, you enjoy it and you feel very good.

3.- Attitude

Attitude is the way we see things, how we see ourselves, how we are affected by the opinions of others or the expectations they have of us.

A reference to calibrate our attitude is the way we see luck. A person who is dedicated to what they are passionate about feels lucky, while a person who has not achieved success considers that they have been unlucky.

4.- Opportunity

What we are passionate about will not come out unless there is an opportunity for it. Perhaps we need other people who have our same concerns to realize what our talents are.

What is the Zone?

The Zone is the deepest part of the Element. Doing what we are passionate about means doing many other activities that are related to the Element.

For example, if I want to write, I have to train to write, I have to handle social networks to make myself known and create a brand and personal image, I have to attend events to contact potential clients or meet other writers, etc.

But even being in our Element, there may be times when we get discouraged, we are not sure if we are on the right track, we are greatly influenced by the opinions of others and we are not clear about what to do.

However, when everything works, we live a harmony in our whole life, everything fits, we smile and we are happy. But, doing what you are passionate about does not guarantee being in the Zone at all times.

The strongest feeling we will feel when we are in the Zone is the feeling of freedom, of really being who we want to be.

What is the Tribe?

When you are looking for your Element, it is essential to find people who share your passion, who understand what you like, what motivates you. Those people are the Tribe.

Finding people like you, even if they are competitors or collaborators, can be immensely rewarding because in many cases, it will help us to realize that we are not alone or that we are not crazy.

Therefore, share your passion with people who live it and feel it like you, you will feel fulfilled and accompanied.

Happy smiling girlfriends

The opinion of others

One of the issues that most influence us when it comes to dedicating ourselves to what we are passionate about is the opinion of others, especially those closest to us.

What our parents, our partner, our friends say influences us powerfully and sometimes prevents us from fighting for our dreams.

Therefore, the barrier to finding our Element can be within ourselves, but it can also be external.

Many times the people closest to us have clear opinions about what we should do, how we should be and how our life should be.

The story of Paulo Coelho is famous, who was sent to a psychiatric institution by his parents, where they applied electroshock therapy because he wanted to be a writer.

The motive of the people close to you to dissuade you from achieving your dreams can be of a very different kind, but in general it is fear that guides them.

Some people who have persecuted their Element had to withdraw, for a time, from their families and friends in order to become who they wanted to be.

Sometimes, it is necessary to ignore our loved ones to make our dreams come true.

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