Get What You Deserve And What You Need Will Arrive

Many times we often confuse what we need with what we really want. In reality, what we need to be happy is usually easier than it seems. We make some reflections in this regard.
Get what you deserve and what you need will come

Get what you deserve and what you need will come. Have you ever thought of this simple equation? There is no magic framework behind it, in reality, it is a simple self-discovery capable of guiding us in each of our steps, to achieve achievements. What we really need.

Think about your day to day. Full of pressures, obligations and objectives to meet. You are so ingrained in these realities that you forget to attend to something essential. Yourself. To what you deserve, to what you need.

Now, we know that all these principles are very difficult to achieve. In the day to day we find ourselves very linked, very attached to things and people. You know that you need more recognition from your partner, your family, but … How to achieve it if they do not “take the step”?

In reality, change must always start with ourselves. People do not change. Therefore, it is you who must achieve what you deserve within your possibilities, because any movement, or change of attitude, no matter how small , can generate great things.

Destiny is not expected: it is created

kite hooked to a tree

You are the architect of your own life. As you move forward and believe it, the path itself will bring you obstacles to overcome and to learn from. Now, if you are not clear about what you deserve, it is likely that you will end up losing yourself.

There are those who are not very clear about what they really deserve. Let time pass and life is spinning its achievements and also its tragedies. If it is not clear to you that you deserve dignity, freedom and the right to have your personal growth, it is likely that third parties violate these principles without asking your permission.

We must not allow it. If there is an essential need that you must cultivate on a day-to-day basis, it is to be very clear about everything you really deserve. And make no mistake, allowing yourself what you need and deserve is not being selfish. It is looking after you, it is respecting you, it is taking care of your self-esteem.

You deserve to be yourself every day of your life: listen to your inner voice

When was the last time you talked to yourself? Do you think this is a useless conversation? The truth is that it is hard to believe it, but in reality, there are very few times in which we get to do an authentic internal dialogue.

  • The mind is usually full of “noise”. Limiting thoughts, worries, remembering the day’s mistakes, words said or not said, leaves little room for our inner voice.
  • Take an hour or two a day to yourself. It should be your personal, private space. Relax and start first by asking yourself how you feel. Then ask yourself another question: What do you need? 
  • Finally, face another question: Do you think that you are being yourself every day of your life? Sometimes, we put the needs of others before our own, so that little by little, we are left in the background where we become “a shadow of ourselves” . Watch out.
woman with book

To get what you need you must first allow yourself what you deserve

It’s that simple. To fulfill a need, you must first be able to open a door. No one is going to quench their thirst if they do not look for a source, or do not go outside to await the arrival of the rain.

As you can see, it is our own inner strength, determination and will that must be very clear at all times where the limits are and what the path is. If someone underestimates you, uses irony to attack you or prioritizes each day by leaving you in the background, they are crossing the limit of what is permissible. You do not deserve it.

Always keep these simple principles in mind:

  • Your thought is the one who creates what surrounds you: it is not what happens to you, it is how you think about it.
  • Think in a freer, more open way, avoid fears, denials, indecision … Wide perspectives, get out of your daily comfort zone.
  • Do you think you deserve to be independent, to have your “place in the world”? Set a purpose for yourself each day and surpass yourself. In the end, what you need will come: your own recognition and personal satisfaction.
  • Do you deserve someone who really loves you? Start by first being the person you want to be. When you are proud of yourself, you will attract the person who really needs your heart.
  • You deserve to be happy? Then break barriers , get away from those who hurt you, live new experiences and, day by day, what you need will arrive: true well-being. Personal fulfillment.
woman with star in her arms


Images courtesy Christian Schloe, Claudia Tremblay

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