Gray Clouds Are Also Part Of Beautiful Landscapes

Gray clouds are also part of beautiful landscapes

The sky, with its interesting mutations, is like the sea in which the face of life is reflected, or at least the canvas in which we can find phenomena, in some way, parallel, similar or comparable. In the two dimensions (earth and sky; heart and emotion), in that of clouds and in that of everyday life there are moments, even days, of storm. Depending on the area in which you live, also depending in part on the environment that surrounds you. We speak of course about the sun and the gray clouds that rage when there is a storm.

Because a rainy day, in which the sky is full of gray clouds, is really beautiful when it is a bit cold, you are under a roof that protects you and you have a book at hand in which to lose yourself … because sometimes the stories others calm ours. Written words speak to us and we tell them. We tell them through a silent dialogue in which we are free, because there is no character who judges or sells advice, unless it is at the price of laughter, nor is there anyone who does not listen in their own way.

Colored lights

Gray cloud days

Surely you remember more than one day when you have thought, “What good would I have done by staying in bed today; if I know, I won’t get up ”. And it is curious, because what we do not think is that in order for us to value a green traffic light, there must be red. What’s more, it has to exist and we have to meet it sometime. It may seem paradoxical, but many times it is our little misfortunes that make it easier for us to value our great fortunes.

At the red light, as on a cold stormy day, we may find an opportunity. That of closing our eyes and breathing, of intuiting the stories of the people who have had to wait with us. In this sense, if they are not going to give us back the time we spend waiting, why not find a way to take advantage of it, even to enjoy it?

Emotions that find food

Something similar happens with emotions (gray clouds), those that we consider negative and undesirable. We talk about sadness, anger or fear. From envy, hatred, disgust or resentment. Those that nobody wants for themselves or for the people they love. And yet, and here comes our shipwreck another of our great contradictions. They are emotions that we do not want but which we often feed, guaranteeing their survival, or we put on makeup thus enhancing their leading role.

Why do we do it if we label those gray clouds undesirable? Many times we do it because they report a large “secondary earnings” to us. We discovered that when we are sad we receive greater attention or that when we get angry those around us take much more care of the treatment they give us. Let’s see: attention, careful treatment, preference, who does not find this series of privileges seductive?

Woman at the lake thinking about gray clouds

On the other hand, what child has never pretended to be sick so as not to go to school? Well, who among us has not simulated an emotion to obtain any of these secondary gains? We may not have done it consciously and deliberately (most of the time we do it that way), of course no one is so twisted (I apologize for the irony) to do it any other way. The fact is that, contrary to what happens when we try at the time to avoid a morning of boring lessons, emotions are usually born for real when we simulate them.

Born or kept. In many cases this simulation appears after the original emotion has disappeared. Let’s imagine that grandmother who has become a widow and with whom her relatives have turned to facilitate and alleviate the grief. Our beloved grandmother may feel that if she stops showing others that she is sad, others will withdraw the attention and care with which they give her. In this sense, it is not uncommon for him to begin to simulate emotion to some degree, inadvertently perpetuating the emotion itself … because as we have said, emotions can hardly be simulated without falling into their networks.

Energy and information, the great power of gray clouds

In this sense, a healthy exercise of introspection can indicate that we are in a dynamic similar to the one that our beloved grandmother has started. However, this does not mean that we try to immediately remove any negative emotions we feel from ourselves. That is, many times it is true that we feel sad and that we need that affection. Nothing happens to receive it, it will help us, we are not and will not be weaker to accept it.

This is one of the true adaptive senses of negative emotions. The other has to do with information and energy. All emotion has these two elements. For example, anger warns us that someone or something may have damaged us and energy allows us to act if we think it is necessary to intervene.

In case we do not consider it necessary (and this is where good emotional management makes the difference), we will have to find a way to dissipate that energy that moves us inside. A way that does not harm anyone, starting with ourselves.

Person with colorful balloons

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