How To Overcome A Break With The Mind And Not With The Heart

When you have just broken up, it seems that the world is upon you. It is quite normal, however a breakup can be overcome quite successfully
How to overcome a break with the mind and not with the heart

A sentimental breakup is a really painful moment, especially when we were not expecting it and we are the abandoned party. However, there is no other choice but to accept the situation as it comes and take advantage of those bad moments to make ourselves stronger emotionally. Although at first we believe that it is an “impossible” mission, it is possible to overcome a painful breakup.

Can’t you get it? It is absolutely normal, at least for the first time, but do not despair. Although it is a long and difficult process, it can be overcome. In fact, almost everyone you know has. How? Especially by following some of the tips that we want to share with you.

How to get over a breakup

We start with some of the tips that can be useful when it comes to getting over a breakup.

To get over a breakup, identify your negative thoughts

Surely when they leave him with his respective partner they think the following: “I will never find a similar person again”, “I will be alone for the rest of my life”, “I will never be happy with another boy or girl …” . These thoughts function as a defense mechanism, but they do not match reality.

These automatic thoughts, which do not define us, only seek to cling to an illusion that is already impossible to rebuild. Therefore, what should be done is not to fuel them more than necessary and try to replace them with more realistic and productive thoughts.

When you indulge in negative and catastrophic thoughts, you paralyze your ability to react. Those thoughts keep you trapped in a difficult possibility to fulfill, or in a past in which it is already impossible to act. You must be proactive to recover as soon as possible from this situation.

Couple arguing on the couch

If millions of people have been able to overcome a breakup, and even rebuild their lives, surely you are capable of doing it too.

Are those thoughts really true?

  • You are not going to be alone
  • You will most likely meet someone again
  • You are not old enough to find love again
  • You are a very valuable person, with values ​​and virtues that many are willing to value

As we have explained in the first point, there are all kinds of negative thoughts that invade us after the breakup. Therefore, to overcome them it is also important that you look back at the past and remember those moments when you hardly even knew your partner. What could you breathe without it? How could you have fun and laugh without the need for me to be by your side? Well, it is sure that from now on it is also possible.

May the positive always win the negative

Woman sitting on a bench

We tend to prioritize all the negative over the positive. But let’s try to counteract it. We are going to do something very different; think about all the positive that not having a partner can bring you.

  • Return to your hobbies
  • Do not explain to anyone
  • Date who you want
  • To travel
  • To study
  • Lead the life you really wanted to lead
  • Reinvent yourself

Write down all the pros and cons of being single  and you will realize that the list is not as short as you thought, right?

In short, getting over a breakup is completely in your hands. It is not worth wasting time with those who no longer love us. For this reason, it also seems very important to get away from those people who have done us so much emotionally, at least in the medium term. Remember that the best company is the one we give ourselves.

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