Human Limits: How To Live With Them?

What to do with the limits? How to make them be a help instead of a hindrance? Accepting and understanding them is the first step on a fruitful journey, both for our interests and for those of the people who love us.
Human limits: how to live with them?

Being aware of our limits is a form of personal growth in itself. Throughout our lives, we grow, evolve and become more and more aware of what is most difficult for us, that overwhelms us and that, in a certain way, limits us.  However, we can manage our own limitations and capacities, both emotional and physical, since the notion of limit has many more positive connotations than we could intuit in a quick analysis. We invite you to reflect on it.

Sometimes in our dreams we enjoy that we are floating in the air or that we can even fly. And this is possible when we sleep; however, upon awakening, we realize that we neither have wings, nor are we birds, despite having experienced that dream as something so real. According to Freud, dreams represent our unsatisfied desires; Well, in a way, we want to overcome ourselves, we want freedom and fulfill our aspirations.

We like to find ways to solve problems; that’s one of the great gifts of our nature, so if we can’t fly, we invent airplanes, and so on. In reality, we determine what we want to achieve, and we come up with creative solutions, even challenging the limits of our own body.

Woman flying with an umbrella between clouds thinking that there are no limits

Creativity at the service of our limits

Artists, for example, think and make art that defies their own limits, or so they pretend. But the truth is that creativity is not a sphere only reserved for artists, and it does not apply only to painting, sculpture, music or architecture.

We don’t have to be artists to challenge ourselves, because we all live around our limitations. Thus, thanks to creativity we can be able to solve problems, as long as we lose our sense of ridicule and experiment with our own limits.

In a study conducted by expert psychologists from the University of Colorado, they concluded that, thanks to creativity, we can develop skills, allowing us to achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

Thus, the limits that are presented to us can force us to make decisions, and cultivate new skills and creative talents in any sphere of our life.

4 ways to befriend your limitations

Definitely, to live with our limits and stimulate our own talents and abilities, it is important to keep these points in mind.

1. Listen to the body carefully

One of the most important warning signs is your own body. It seems unimportant, but if you know how to listen to yourself, you will be able to notice when you are more upset than necessary and when fear, shame or frustration invade you.

And, the body is intimately connected with the mind, so being calm, through different relaxation or meditation techniques, music or anything else that re-relaxes, can keep you in a concentrated state of mind to solve problems with greater ease and surpass yourself.

2. Empathize with someone who experiences the same thing as you

There is always a person around you who experiences our own limits. Maybe it’s a co-worker, your boss, or even your own son. Thus, when you see how someone close to you feels anxious, frustrated or disconnected, you can better visualize that state from the outside, you comfort them, and you can apply it to yourself when the time comes.

Because we must remember that we are human beings and many times our actions do not define us. We are made to be aware in the present moment, connected and made to create, build and fix things.

3. Manage and accept time limits

Another way to accept limitations is through managing our own time. Prioritizing activities, organizing tasks and knowing how far we can go during the day is a good tool.

Time is money, as the popular saying goes. Thus, knowing that sometimes you cannot work more hours than you would like, or on the contrary, wanting to spend more time with your family or friends is a way of limiting yourself more, because you know that many times you will not be able to do it. In the end, if you accept it, your own limits can make you freer.

4. We live in a dynamic environment

To understand the continuous change of life is to recognize that we can go from one situation to another in just a few seconds. And this is where we evolve. Change is that vibrant interaction that defines us through our relationships, and that moves us towards disorder, which is called psychological entropy. And when we talk about changes, it is another way of knowing ourselves and seeing our limits.

Accepting that life is a process of constant change can help you better solve any process that involves any type of change, no matter how large or small.


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