Know Your Internal Saboteurs

Know your inner spoilers

It is curious how easy it is at times to identify all those people who, in some way, harm us or prevent us from being happy. They have first and last names.

But what happens when what really hurts us are our own “internal spoilers”? It is even possible that we are not even aware of its existence, of that inner voice that daily puts stones in our path. Voices that speak with the echo of a lack of self-esteem, capable of hindering dreams and projects.

The voice of our inner saboteurs


“I am already too old for these things, I am not qualified for that job, I am very little, I better do it tomorrow, it is that everything goes wrong, I always have bad luck, it is not worth trying …”

These types of internal verbalizations are real demons and eaters of our happiness. Why do we do it? Why do we allow our inner saboteurs to harm us in this way?

-The internal saboteurs are sometimes irrational and obsessive thoughts that emerge from our fears.

-They make us doubt ourselves, our qualities, our virtues and abilities.

-You must bear in mind that internal saboteurs will prevent you from making any changes to improve, to restructure your self-esteem.

-We all have some kind of internal saboteur. Fears are part of our being, but the ideal, the most essential, is not to allow their voices to have too much force. They should be just a whisper, a distant echo to be ignored.

-It is frequent that we establish a strong conflict between internal saboteurs and our own desires. “I want this person to notice me, I have to ask her out with me” “How am I going to ask her out? I am not good enough for this person ”.

How to control our internal spoilers


-Identify them : It is the most important part, if we are not aware that our own internal voice is the one that puts barriers to our well-being, we will forever stagnate in the same state. In the same unsatisfactory situation.

-Name your internal saboteurs: It can be complicated but it is essential. What are you afraid of? Is it insecurity? Don’t you trust yourself? Is it lack of self-esteem? Is it frustration?

To make it easier for you, you can use pencil and paper, first listing all those emotions that accumulate inside you like a complex ball. Go unraveling that accumulation of emotions little by little and analyze them. It is a sometimes painful process, where we will come face to face with our fears. But we assure you that it is worth it.

-You have given them strength, you must block them. Our internal saboteurs are those little internal demons to whom we have given a voice and a vote in our lives. They are the ones who have prevented you from reacting when you should have. They have put doors and locks on many of your dreams. Now you have given them a name, it is time to become aware of them and weaken them. Take away strength and especially voice.

-Strengthen your values. Now that you’ve dwarfed your inner spoilers, it’s time to reinforce your values. Independence, courage, the right to be happy, respect and self-respect, personal growth, passion, illusion and satisfaction.

We assure you that before the fullness of strong personal values, those internal saboteurs that we all have, end up weakening, becoming a distant murmur to which you will no longer allow yourself to pay attention. Our fears have many echoes, but if you rationalize them, they will stop dominating your life. Try it.

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