Law Of Least Effort To Manage Stress

The law of least effort to manage stress reminds us that sometimes less is more. It invites us to flow in our reality, to save energy, to focus our attention on what is truly important.
Law of least effort to manage stress

The law of least effort to manage stress can be very useful if we apply it effectively. It is a very simple resource that draws on the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. According to this approach, we should follow a vital path that allows us to save energy, flow in a relaxed way in our daily lives and connect with our own being.

It is quite possible that the construction “law of least effort” evokes other ideas. The image of those people who in their day to day just do the basics to get ahead may come to our mind. Now, the idea to which we refer has nothing to do with those who limit themselves to the minimum.

The approach to which we refer, although it starts from the field of spirituality, undoubtedly has a great interest in the field of psychology. The reason for it is in that inspiring framework through which to help us create new approaches, to prioritize, to eliminate habits that do not help, to focus on the here and now to invest in well-being.

water lily representing the law of least effort

Keys to the law of least effort to manage stress

Within the seven spiritual laws to achieve success according to Deepak Chopra, the fourth is that of least effort. To understand its significance and how it can help us, the following idea is worth thinking about. Let’s visualize the natural world, everything that happens in this vast world arises without apparent effort, using natural inertia.

Everything is spontaneous, the suffering is residual: the wind that rocks the leaves, the flowers that sprout, the river that winds its way between the rocks and its channels. Nature is balance, it is a world that flows in rhythm according to its own rhythm and cycles. Now, people often get caught up in limiting routines and approaches. We create our own personal prisons by submitting to routines and worries that create suffering.

Do not force, sometimes you have to let yourself go

Getting carried away is not getting lost. The law of least effort to manage stress invites us to put the following ideas into practice:

  • Often times, you spend too much effort and energy on goals and people who don’t bring you anything. Even more, instead of generating well-being, worries increase.
  • Likewise, it is common for us to insist on forcing certain dimensions from which we only obtain exhaustion. We strive, for example, to be the best at our job. We want to look good to everyone. We invest time, illusions and even our health in goals that are not always the right ones. All this ends up generating high anxiety.

Faced with all these realities, the most appropriate is to let yourself go. We must understand this idea from the flow perspective , a term introduced by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book

boy among cornfield representing the law of least effort

Acceptance, pillar of the law of least effort to manage stress

The second key to the law of effort to manage stress is acceptance. One way to reduce pressures, worries, tensions and anxieties is by accepting everything that we cannot change. In our day to day there are endless realities that we collide with almost every moment. Facts, dynamics and people with whom we have frictions and differences.

Assume that not everything can be under your control. Be aware that in this world there will always be projects that can be better, balances that can be more stable. If you take the step, you will find calm. However, remember: acceptance is not surrender. It is understanding that there are realities that are far from yours. The best thing, therefore, is to accept these facts and continue investing in us, living with the dissonances that will always occur between our actions, values, desires and aspirations.

You and only you, are responsible for your life

As you manage to accept things as they are, you will discover another aspect: that you and only you are responsible for your life. Once we assume that internal calm where we understand that everyone is free to choose their path, to behave and think as they wish, we will discover that we also have that power. Now, it is a power that carries great responsibility.

You are the absolute owner of leading the type of life that you like the most. You are free to let go of everything that does not define you, that you do not like and that brings you suffering. But you are responsible, in turn, for every choice you make in this process that is intended to ensure your well-being.

It is no longer worth complaining, it is no longer worth holding others responsible for what happens to you, because you and only you are at the helm of your destiny. Think about it. Try to apply in the day to day, and correctly, the law of least effort to manage stress.

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