Love Without Limits

Love without limits


If there is a universally used word, it is the word Love, however, what does its meaning contain? Do we really know what it is when we express it?

Love is a feeling that generates affinity towards the person or towards the things that we love, as well as provokes feelings, attitudes and desires of affection and attachment towards the person or thing that we love.


How much love can we feel?


There are many ways to Love, since with each person Love is different, just as the Love that we can feel towards different things, places, hobbies, etc. is different.

Is Love the feeling we have towards our partner, so it is when we feel something very special to our children, of course, love the feeling we have toward our parents, grandparents, siblings and friends ; And yet all these types of Love express themselves and live in very different ways.

As well as, we can feel Love towards the work we do, towards a sport or towards a pet, and all these forms of Love, although they do not resemble each other, are still essence of the same source, that is, they come from a feeling and a desire to stay with the person or thing you love.


When does love arise?


Love is a feeling, and as such, it is something that emerges from our interior, it cannot be forced or demanded, it is a feeling that is born from within and that in turn generates feelings of affection, closeness, satisfaction and enjoyment, when one is close to the person we love or what we love.

And when Love arises, it expresses itself with very different attitudes and behaviors, depending on the person, the place, the moment or towards what we feel Love.

Therefore, even being the same feeling, Love transforms and grows without limits.


What feelings are they Love?


If we feel Love, and not any other feeling, in all its forms, there will be strong wishes for well-being towards the loved one, wishing for this person all the best we can imagine, for their well-being and happiness.

When the feeling is towards things, activities or situations, we want them to bring to other people and to ourselves the best feelings of prosperity, success and growth.

Therefore, when we speak of Love, on all occasions in which this is a true feeling, we do not intend to get anything in exchange for Love, but only the happiness of the person we love.


Is self-love possible?


Of course, there is self-love, understanding this as the love of our own person, wishing for our life well-being and happiness. Which happens, in most of the people, at the same time, that the Love towards other people.

Love has no limits or conditions, the more we love ourselves, the more Love we can feel for others, and vice versa.


What is love without limits?


Loving without limits means being able to Love, as many people and things or activities, as we wish, at the same time as oneself, without this implying any limit or condition so that there can be as many forms of Loving as we wish.

Love is a feeling without limits, since the more we Love ourselves, the more Love we will feel to continue loving.

There are no limits in their forms of expression, nor any incompatibility to feel it equally intense between people very different from each other, as well as, by things or situations.


Love without limit, a way to grow


When you really love, and wish the happiness of other people, in turn, the feeling of Love makes us feel special, happy, respectful and satisfied with the relationships that we live intensely.

To love is to grow in Love, and to feel Loved at the same time.

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