Maintain A Healthy Self-esteem In The Face Of Unemployment

Maintain a healthy self-esteem in the face of unemployment

Unemployment is the order of the day, there are more and more cases of depression and anxiety due to this cause. The thoughts we have about ourselves will decisively influence when it affects us to a greater or lesser extent. That is why it is vital to maintain a healthy self-esteem in the face of unemployment.

Nobody likes to be out of work, but the best we can do is support ourselves and believe in ourselves despite losing our job.  It is important to stop believing that we are worth more or less depending on the job we have.

A person is neither his possessions nor his job position, because in the event that you join your personal worth to those external things, you run the risk of sinking when you lose them.

Also, you must remember that life is cyclical. One day you can be up and feel all powerful, and another day everything can go wrong. The key to maintaining a healthy self-esteem is to extend it not only to external factors, but internal ones.

If you want your self-esteem not to suffer every time you lose material things or jobs, join your personal worth to inner values, such as being a good person, sincere, honest, etc … Those values ​​are stable, they are what define you and no matter how much lose things, you will continue to be the same person as always, so the losses will affect you to a lesser extent, the pain will be inevitable but you will not remain in stagnation and you will continue forward, opening a new path.

5 Keys to Coping with Unemployment by Maintaining a Healthy Self-Esteem

1. Be hopeful and think that we are going to get a better job. It is important that instead of thinking about how good your previous job was, you focus on the disadvantages, so you will face your new options with more motivation, knowing that you can improve the conditions in which you have worked before.

2. Stay active and in addition to looking for a job, do activities that you like. Sport is highly positive, it will renew you with good energy.

You have to stay active even when you don’t feel like it. You well know that if you are apathetic or listless, doing nothing will only make the situation worse.

3. Give a positive approach to the situation. The mind is a garden that must be cultivated and watered daily or our emotions will be affected. All situations have a positive and negative side, thinking about the bad will not benefit you at all, therefore we must put all our energy into looking for the good side of the situation in which we find ourselves.

Sometimes there are those who, thanks to a stage of unemployment, have considered things that they would never have thought of before, such as starting a small business or learning the trade that they had always dreamed of but that due to lack of time they had left it as impossible. Undoubtedly losing a job is cause for concern, but to get out of the pothole it is necessary that our thoughts focus on finding solutions with a hopeful approach.

4. Socialize and surround yourself with good people. When someone is discouraged, they tend to isolate themselves, observe yourself and try to keep in touch with people. Talking and having fun is the best medicine for the mind and it will distract you from the bad situation you are in.

5. Taking care of yourself is the best way to show yourself that despite problems we love each other.

Self love is highly healing. Eat healthy, exercise, do not take substances that harm you, enjoy taking care of your appearance. All that care will bring you well-being. Problems are like riddles, instead of stagnating us and leaving us in sadness and discouragement, we must make an effort to find the solution, with motivation, hope and above all perseverance, because there is always a way out.

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