Movement Generates Movement

Movement generates movement

This is not an article that talks about motivation. With these words I try to convey the idea of ​​movement.

It is a writing about the activity and those small and uncertain steps that we take towards a destination that we only know how to project, but that never seems to arrive.

There are many reasons why we remain “static” and, unfortunately, there are certain circumstances or moments in our life that force us to remain in that state.

They are those moments in which life seems to stop and in which our dreams are just something distant and impossible that we see from our window.

It is obvious that we all fight for something or someone  (or for both at the same time) , but how do we recognize that we have reached the place we wanted to go?

Apparently there are few signals that tell us.

In fact, it seems that happiness is an ephemeral and fleeting emotion that dissolves in the moment in which our head tells us: “yes, but …”. In fact, that sadness, in its proper measure, is also necessary to appreciate the good times.

way to our destination

Every step is necessary

Any decision implies giving up something and perhaps we will always have the doubt of what it could have been if we had followed that path that we abandoned.

It seems that we are used to working for objectives, so when we finish one in a satisfactory way we feel happy and full.

However, shortly afterwards our mind sabotages us with new doubts and concerns that make us wonder if it was really an important achievement or if, on the contrary, it is simply a failed attempt.

Will we never be able to feel good about ourselves?

Yes, movement is important. But an excessive movement to achieve an abstract goal becomes obsessive and harmful to our self-esteem and can also affect our vision of the world and relationships.

There are many reasons to think that causality is the result of small actions that we have carried out and that, in most cases, we did not know where we were going. They have only been breadcrumbs that we have left behind and have not taken into account.

But believe me, each step has been decisive in the process of our life.

every step is important

We usually use the phrase “life goes around a lot”, but in reality, it only turns if we move the wheel.

From the sofa in our house it is impossible to change our world, but it is also impossible to reach what we call destiny with an exaggerated and excessive self-demand. Apparently, as always, the secret is in the middle.

Now think of all the things that you ever thought would never come,  how did they come? Out of a desire to get them but also without even realizing it. Those are already achievements that we have achieved and that it is not good to despise (despise ourselves).

Movement is the passage from power to acts

There are many things that we want to do and that remain in our thoughts out of fear. We project a catastrophic future plagued with insecurities, irreparable damage and anticipated failures.

This occurs before small movements and also in the face of major life challenges.

In the first case there is a solution: do it. In the second case there is another: be patient and keep your feet on the ground, because faced with excessively difficult challenges it is very likely that we will fail in the short term and perhaps life consists of small approximations.

You will notice that there will be a thousand and one excuse not to do it and that your fears will look for reasons that support your hypotheses, but have you really put them to the test?

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