Rule Number 6

Rule number 6
A story tells that several ministers were meeting and the prime minister of another country was invited. Suddenly the discussion got serious. Their voices began to rise and one of them even banged on the table. Then the president of the government who had remained calm along with his guest told his more upset minister to remember rule number 6. With which, he regained his calm and apologized. After a few minutes, there was a similar scene with another minister and the president said the same words to him again: “Remember rule number 6″. Amazed, the invited prime minister asked the prime minister to reveal the content of rule number 6. “Very simple-answer. Rule number 6 is: Don’t be a fool. Don’t take yourself so seriously ”

Source: Book “The art of possibility”

According to Einstein, the most important decision we make in life has to do with a belief, that of deciding whether to live in a friendly or enemy universe, in a friendly universe or in a hostile universe. And it is that the majority of lives, of our lives, do not understand absolute, they are not white or black, but rather gray. Thus, more famous than Einstein’s decision is the phrase to see the bottle half full” or “half empty.”

It is not really seeing, it is deciding to see. It is the glasses that we choose that direct our attention to our reasons of fortune or our reasons of misfortune; the emotions we experience and the stimuli to which we respond are born from our glasses.

However, our glasses go far beyond magnifying the good or the bad in a whimsical way and seek to understand the world. We have several options and we can understand it as a place to share or a mat to compete, as a source of suffering or pleasure, as something we have to endure or as something we can enjoy.

In addition, both we and our way of seeing the world respond to our need to repeat events. In this way, they act automatically when we drive a car and already have practice or when we recite the alphabet having left childhood behind.

But perhaps the most important thing about our glasses is that we choose them and that at any moment we can enter the optician to change them. Also, when we do, this change is usually contagious. Yes, because although many times we do not realize it, we greatly influence the glasses that others wear. Thus, if we see snow as an excuse to have fun and not as something annoying, we will have the initiative to propose to others that they go out to play, thereby helping to prevent the people who surround us from seeing the snow as something annoying. .

And it is that as Sabina says in one of her songs “to say” with God “we both have plenty of reasons”, as we also have plenty to be happy or sad. In fact, at the same time in our lives we surely have reasons to be in many more ways: angry (“the memory of someone who has done something on purpose that we did not like”), scared (“we all have fears, fears” ), surprised (“I’m sure something happens to you every day that puzzles you”)  and a long etcetera.

Most of the time we can be as we want; For this reason, if you have not realized it yet, I have to tell you that how we do not feel is not the fault of others or the world. We are the ones who choose how we feel and who are responsible for our feelings (for better and for worse). Only if you take responsibility for what you feel from the beginning, from the awareness of responsibility for that feeling, will you be able to act on it and change it.

In other words, only if you realize what the glasses you are wearing are like will you be able to enter the optician and change them; In this way, even if nothing outside of you changes, you (who are the one who feels) will feel better.

Image courtesy of PartsArtsPictures

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