Set A Good Example For Your Children, The Best Gift You Can Give Them

Set a good example for your children, the best gift you can give them

Children, when they are young, are innocent beings who are rarely going to question what their parents say or do. For them,  what their figure of reference carries out is the example they must follow, so it is obvious that they will tend to imitate them.

The fact is that we do not always take communion with what we preach and our children quickly realize it. It makes no sense for us to tell our children to be orderly, not to lie and not to raise their voices if we are the first to act like this. A thousand words and verbal teachings are useless if our example is not consistent with them.

Parents must realize that we are the mirror in which the children are reflected, their guide, their reference. If we are emotionally bad, our emotions will also be theirs, and our behavior will be projected onto them.  Therefore, as adults, although it is clear that we have the right to fail, it is recommended that we make an effort to increase self-control and discipline with ourselves, especially in front of our little ones.

Father and son playing at sunset to be heroes

Some good examples for our children

Teach them to tell the truth

We think that scolding our children when they lie is all done, but it is not like that. Children imitate their parents and let’s be honest,  how many times have they caught us telling the odd lie, even if it is pious?  On many occasions we even lie to them and they end up realizing it, so the message conveyed is that lying is normal and from good people, as even parents do.

Teach them to listen

You know that countless times you have done the impossible for your son to stop the rhythm and listen to you, but how many times do you listen to him? How many times has he tried to tell you something that happened to him at school or has he gone to sing to you your favorite song and you haven’t listened to it?

It is impossible to want your children to listen to you if on certain occasions, when you are busy, you do not listen to them. Ideally, if you can’t stop for a moment to attend to them, that is to tell them – sincerely – that at this moment you cannot, but in a while you will surely be delighted to hear it.

Teach them to speak softly

How many times have we told our son not to yell while we yell together! If we want them to speak softly and in a pleasant way, we have to teach them how to do it by example. It is true that sometimes patience reaches a limit, but  as adults and parents, we have to make an effort to be rational and not let ourselves be governed by emotions. If we do it this way frequently, our children will end up learning it.

Little girl putting her finger in her mouth

Teach them to respect the rules

Are you going over 120 km / h on the highway? Do you occasionally double park? Do you steal the pens from your office? If so, you are not teaching your children to respect the rules since you are the first to break them. In this way, it  will be much more difficult for you to get them to follow the house rules, since they will not understand why you can skip them and they cannot.

Teach them productive hobbies

If you want your children to read, you have to read. If you don’t want him to be so hooked on television or smartphones, you should consider putting these devices aside at certain times of the day. Your hobbies will be (with a high probability) their hobbies. Thus, if the ones you are currently maintaining are not the most beneficial, perhaps it is a good time to change them  and have your child observe you doing other things. It will be worth it for both of you.

Teach them tolerance for frustration

This point is very important. If you are one of those parents who drown in a glass of water, your children inevitably will too. It is vitally important that you help your children to tolerate the ups and downs of life, mistakes both their own and others’ and, ultimately, adversities and disagreements.  It is not about repeating it to him or being rigid with him, but about him observing your integrity and how you are able to find solutions, accept what cannot be changed and remain emotionally stable.


These are just a few examples that you can teach your children, but there are endless. The key is to never forget that  we are their main role model, at least until adolescence. Therefore, almost everything we do will be repeated by them. Think about what you don’t like about yourself and begin to change it, both for your well-being and that of your children.

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