Smiles That Bloom In The Dark

Smiles that bloom in the dark

Smiles that bloom in the dark can last a lifetime. Those small and precious gestures that appear when you least expect it, at the moment when everything is sad, gloomy and gloomy, will remain burned in your memory as signs of affection and optimism that will always go with you wherever you go.

Have no doubt that darkness is not eternal. No matter how hackneyed the saying may seem, there is no harm in how long it lasts for a hundred years. It all depends on us, on our effort, on our need to be happy, on our ability to make a small smile when everything seems to be wrong.

Smiles that light up the world

A smile can be of many types, but it will always have enormous possibilities. And it is that good humor, sympathy, kindness and everything that is associated with a pleasant face is a gesture that we all, to a greater or lesser extent, appreciate.

Friends smiling moonlit

There are cases in which a smile has been able to open the heaviest and most opaque doors in the world. With a simple kind gesture, many people seem to bend and let themselves be radiated by the good humor and attractive education that accompanies something so simple.

Have you ever found yourself in front of a jaded person, fed up with their work or their situation, always on guard against confrontation and few friends, prey to bitterness and daily battle? Well, try responding with a simple smile. Fight back with education, sympathy, kindness and good manners, without ever losing your good face, you will see how the results surprise you.

And there is no doubt that smiles are capable of lighting up the world. No matter how cloudy the sky is, full of clouds that seem to want to fall on our heads, a few simple laughs can encourage the sun to appear and illuminate the future of our days.

Smiles that light up the night

For all those people who believe they live in the bitterness of eternal night, without being able to see the light at any time of the day, there is a highly advisable recipe that rarely fails. Use smiles to make your way through the darkness, you will see how little by little, your path clears, and everything will be more crystalline and luminous in your existence.

If, on the other hand, you know people who suffer constant sadness, unable to get out of the vicious circle that holds them back in a bland world dotted with misfortune and sorrow, never stop showing them your smile, because that is pure life for people with their heads down.

If you do not feel able to get out of the quagmire you have gotten into, and you feel that the tunnel of your life is excessively long, without the ability to glimpse the end with its crystalline and clear light at the other end, approach those luminous people who they march around the world always smiling, with good humor, solidarity and kindness as their flag. A simple gesture will brighten up each of your bitterest moments.

Man smiling at night

Let’s learn to smile to light up the world

A good exercise that we should all do on a daily basis is smiling. Let’s learn to outline it at all times to make a world brighter, happier and more pleasant. Let us show the rest of the inhabitants of this planet our good humor and sympathy.

If a cloudy day dawns, greet him with a smile. If a person is bitter, give them the best of your smiles. If someone is sad, give them a beautiful smile on your face. If you think everything is negative, paint a smile on your chin.

Small gestures such as smiles, acts of generosity, funny moments, full of sympathy and good humor, produce situations so simple and small that we are rarely able to forget, and, moreover, they make our day.

We cannot light up the world all at once, but we are capable of brightening it with our smiles and our positive attitude. Between all of us, we have the power to make this life a pleasant space to live in. Why not give it a try?

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