Thank You Dads For Always Walking By My Side

Thank you dads for always walking by my side

Thank you parents for always being by my side, even if I don’t see you, thank you for having created such strong bonds as to survive all the mistakes I have made while growing up.  Thank you for creating a family, sowing values ​​and waiting patiently for the fruits that you offer today, every day.

You are wonderful for having known how to walk by my side, but avoiding the temptation, as I grew up, to try to control each of my steps, going from directing me to advising me. Thanks to this attitude I have been able to grow and thanks to this attitude you have been able to give me a hand when I have gotten into companies, with the audacity that youth gives, which exceeded my resources.

You have helped me to weave wings so strong that heights once great, today seem small. In my head are the echoes of your spirits, those that tried to give me impulse to climb much higher than I would have done alone. Today they continue to work, having the same effect.

Family playing in the field

I am grateful for having given my life one day, but above all for not having stopped you at that threshold. For not having done everything for me, for having taught me to do it instead of doing it for me. The former has sometimes cost tantrums, time, and frustration; the latter would have been much easier. However, with the latter, I would not be the person I am now.

I do not forget that when it comes to making plans, I have been a great priority for you. You have spent nights with me when I was sick and the next day you went to work. You have taken me to places that are very boring for you and you have waited patiently for me to tire out of indignation. He was not conscious then, now he is.

The family is built every day

Thank you dads for making us a real family, the kind that are united, the kind that stay strong in the face of adversity and don’t hesitate to go up on the roof to plug a leak before throwing the whole house down. Thanks parents for giving us tools and letting us build everything we have today, what we can count on today as a team, a family.

I thank you that, although lives make us have less time for everyone each time, we continue to look for what makes us happy and we continue to share it. I thank you for maintaining that priority over many others from the competition.

Thank you for giving us so much love, so much that it gives us to love ourselves and to continue wanting to love;  for hugging us tight, but without making our breathing difficult. Thank you parents for being what we are today, a real family: those who argue, but know how to fix it; of those that do not remain in minutiae and remain tied and strong.

Thank you dads for creating such a strong and secure bond

Thank you for teaching us so much, for taking care of us without drowning, for asking without questioning, for making me know that wherever I go I will always be able to return and have someone joyfully awaiting my return, someone who loves me and will have a place for me. Thank you for everything I feel towards you today, for teaching me that love and family are important pillars, for showing me where my refuge will always be and reserving a place for me.

Little girl hugging her mother

Thank you for being there, for feeling you even though I cannot see you, for having known how to express everything you love me and make me feel that way, loved and safe. For making me see that you will always be there, whatever happens, and whatever I do, for giving me unconditional love. The one that today I can feel, but also see. That one for which I write.

I thank you for everything you have done and continue to do every day, thank you for walking by my side and giving me so much. For loving me and teaching me, for helping me to be who I am now. Thank you parents for forming the family that we are today, thank you for making love have a physical representation, thank you parents for all the journey we have traveled together.


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