The 27 Types Of Feelings

Throughout the day, and in life in general, we will experience many types of feelings. Do you know them all? In this article we talk about 27 of them and their characteristics.
The 27 types of feelings

What kinds of feelings are there? Before talking about it, let’s differentiate emotion from feeling. When we experience an emotion, there is a stimulus that triggers this automatic response. Instead, feelings refer to the way in which we relate to that emotion; It would be the perception we have of said emotion.

In this article we will talk about 27 types of feelings (although we must bear in mind that some of them could also be considered an emotion). What characterizes them? Let’s find out.

The 27 types of feelings: characteristics and what they are for

Stimuli and situations that we experience trigger emotions and feelings. Emotions play an adaptive function, although sometimes we do not manage them properly, which can cause us suffering.

Another issue is that the feelings that these generate in us lead us to pleasant sensations or not, to behaviors that harm us or not, etc. (but that would be another question). Without further ado, we will tell you what the 27 types of feelings consist of.


Euphoria is a feeling that leads us to feel a kind of “high. When we feel euphoric, our perception of life is magnificent; This is a typical feeling of manic episodes of bipolar disorder.


Optimism is another of the types of feelings that comes with seeing life optimistically and hopefully.

Happy woman smiling wondering if we are born optimistic


Gratitude is a feeling of gratitude towards life, people, things … There are studies that link gratitude with happiness.


Affection is defined as a pleasant feeling when connecting with people. However, affect can also be negative (when we no longer talk about a feeling as much).


It is the feeling that is born when we feel appreciation for something or someone. We admire the things that we find interesting, beautiful, different, special …


Happiness can be considered a feeling but also a state. It is related to the way in which we value the vine, being this in a positive way, as a whole. Happiness brings us joy and also calm.


Joy is a feeling that befits a good state of mind. When we are happy we are excited, we want to do things, and we can enjoy.


Love is a complex and intense feeling (although there are many types of love). It is a feeling of warm affection and inclination towards people to whom we wish all good.


Another type of feeling is hope. It is defined as ‘the belief that we can achieve the objectives that we set ourselves’. It implies illusion and an optimistic vision of the future.


Humor makes us perceive stimuli as something funny. It also makes us fun.


It implies a feeling of well-being or pleasure. We feel it when a desire has been fulfilled or when a need has been met.


Surprise is the reaction we emit when we perceive something as novel, unforeseen or strange.

Surprised little girl


Pleasure is defined as ‘ affability, a pleasant way of treating people ‘. But it can also be another of the types of feelings that arise when things (or people) give us admiration or satisfaction, when we like them.


Indignation is a feeling of unease that we experience when we consider something unfair.


It is what we experience when we feel sorry or pity for someone who is suffering.


Impatience is the feeling that arises when we need something in a precise moment and we cannot get it.


We experience this feeling when our expectations of something or someone are cut short. Also, when we do not achieve what we had set out to do.


Sadness is another type of feeling, and it implies a feeling of inner restlessness, which sometimes leads us to tears. It allows us to overcome losses or disappointments, release tension, become aware of what is happening to us, ask for help …


Anger is the feeling of bad disposition towards something or someone, a feeling of disgust, irritation or exacerbation.


Hatred implies a revulsion towards things or people. Hatred can lead us to other types of feelings, such as anger or rage.


Envy is that feeling we experience when we want something that we do not have and that we see in others.


Jealousy should not be confused with envy. In this case, it is the emotional response that appears when we perceive a threat to something that we consider our own.


Indignation carries with it a feeling of discomfort towards things that we consider unfair.


Revenge involves revenge against the people who have hurt us. The desire for revenge implies wanting to hurt that person so that “justice” is done.


Fear arises when we perceive danger (or anticipate it). It alerts us to dangerous things and, in a way, it is a defense mechanism.

Woman with a lot of fear


It is about that feeling that generates a feeling of indignation or resentment.


Hopelessness, as the name suggests, implies the ‘loss of hope’. It is a typical symptom of depression (especially severe depression). It involves the subjective belief that things will never get better.

As we can see, we experience different feelings throughout life  (and even throughout the day!), And each of them fulfills a certain function. When a person goes from one feeling to another quickly (or rather, from one state of mind to another), then we speak of emotional lability.


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