The 7 Teachings Of The Warrior’s Path

The 7 teachings of the warrior's way

Japanese culture is ancient and throughout its history it has placed great value on virtues in combat. The Japanese combatant, unlike what happens in other latitudes, must be full of values ​​to be worthy. The word bushido speaks precisely of this and is translated as the way of the warrior.

This path of the warrior, or bushido , talks about a code of ethics that the samurai applied. It contains a series of principles , but above all seven values, which should govern conduct. It is said that members of the ruling class were taught from an early age.

The way of the warrior is also known by the code name samurai. In this, principles of Buddhism, Confucianism and other Eastern philosophies are condensed. It is still a valuable guide for life. These are the 7 virtues and teachings that it exalts.

1. Courage, an indispensable virtue to be free

According to the path of the warrior, only when you have courage can you be free. It is courage that allows you to live fully, without the bonds imposed by fear. It takes courage to decide to act, especially to do great things.

samurai in battle symbolizing the way of the warrior

Courage is not blind courage. To be true courage it must be accompanied by intelligence and strength. Fear exists, but we must not allow ourselves to be overcome by it. Instead, we must replace it with caution and respect. Thus will true courage emerge.

2. That courtesy is never lacking

In the warrior’s way, courtesy is not simply a set of polite gestures or good manners. In reality it is a virtue that is closely related to respect for the other, even if they are an enemy.

Courtesy is first and foremost respect and consideration for the other, regardless of the circumstances. This means not being cruel, nor making unnecessary displays of force or power. It is a virtue that shows character and a lot of inner strength.

3. Compassion must always be present

The strength and power you have must be used for the good of all people. This is indicated by the path of the warrior, who also insists on the enormous value of solidarity. This is a feature that adorns the force.

Compassion is not just a feeling, it must be translated into concrete actions. Whenever someone can be helped, it must be done. And if you don’t have the opportunity to help you, you have to go out and look for that possibility.

4. Justice above all

The way of the warrior says that justice does not have half measures. According to this ancient wisdom, fairness simply comes from defining what is right and differentiating it from what is wrong. Right is rewarded and wrong is punished.

To be fair is to always seek to act in the right way. This should not depend on what others say, but on the person himself. Everyone knows in their heart what is fair and what is not. You only have to follow that light that emanates from yourself.

samurai at sunrise symbolizing the way of the warrior

5. Loyalty is typical of strong and noble spirits

What you say or do belongs entirely to you. Therefore, the consequences are also ours. Hence, you must have a great sense of responsibility before acting or expressing yourself.

Loyalty is, above all, loyalty to oneself. Ability to be consistent or consistent. To that extent, it is also a commitment to answer for actions and words. Loyalty is only typical of the strongest and noblest.

6. The word and sincerity

For samurai the word has immense value. It is not spoken by speaking, nor is it said by saying. For this reason, in the warrior’s way, words are totally equivalent to actions. When something is said it is as if it has already been done.

In this philosophy the value of a promise is eliminated. This is not necessary. Suffice it to say that something will be done to commit to doing it. This is only possible for those who are completely honest with themselves and with others.

7. Honor exalts the human being

According to the way of the warrior, the greatest virtue of all is honor. Being honorable means acting righteously, regardless of the circumstances. Fulfill the duty and adhere to the values, regardless of whether this is approved by others or not.

samurai with leaves symbolizing the way of the warrior

Honor is associated with the respect you feel for yourself. This means not allowing yourself to indulge in unethical or despicable behavior. Honor is so important in this philosophy that if you lose it, the only way to get it back is by taking your own life.

The most interesting thing about the warrior’s path is that being such an old ethical code, the values ​​it promotes remain valid. The world would be very different if in each conflict, or in each confrontation, we applied those valuable principles of samurai warriors.

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