The Legend Of Croesus And The Erroneous Search For Superiority

The legend of Croesus was made known by Herodotus, the historian. We know that it is a story that has part of reality, although it is also possible that it contains some traces of fiction. In spite of everything, it is a beautiful narrative, with an interesting teaching.
The legend of Croesus and the erroneous quest for superiority

The legend of Croesus reached our days thanks to the famous historian Herodotus. It is not known how far reality goes and at what point fiction begins. The truth is that it is an exemplary narrative and, therefore, the line that marks the beginning of the imagination matters little.

Croesus is said to have been a king of Asia and the richest man of his time . He ruled a prosperous kingdom, and his possessions were so vast that he was said to swim in gold. His subjects were also prosperous people. Nothing was lacking in the kingdom and people lived in peace. It is said that this is where the popular expression comes from: “He is as rich as Croesus .”

The legend of Croesus has it that the king reveled in his fortune . Everything in his palace was fine and exquisite. He sent for the best silks, the best furniture, and the best clothes for himself. Its gardens were also absolutely beautiful. It had strange flowers from very distant lands, which it cared for with great care.

purple flowers

The legend of Croesus and Solon

The legend of Croesus indicates that there was a summer of good weather that attracted many visitors to the kingdom. The rumor spread that Solon, the legislator of Athens and considered the wisest man in the world, was in those lands. He was such an intelligent man that the popular expression “He is as wise as Solon ” was born from there .

When Croesus learned that Solon was nearby, without wasting time he sent his servants to look for him. He wanted me to be his guest of honor. The servants sought him out and relayed the message. Solon also wanted to meet Croesus, so he accepted the invitation.

In this way, the Legend of Croesus tells that Solon arrived at the palace. The king was happy and very proud to show her the jewelry collection, enchanted gardens, and all the great luxuries he lived with. He had a special dinner prepared for the guest. The idea of ​​seating the richest man in the world to talk to the wisest man in the world seemed fabulous .

A puzzling conversation

They were already sitting at the table together when Croesus, who wanted to satisfy his own vanity, asked the sage: “ Tell me Solon , who do you think has been the happiest of men? The wise man thought for a moment. After a while he replied: ” I think the happiest of men is called Telo and he lives in Athens .”

Disappointed at this answer, Croesus wanted to know why the man was so happy. Solon explained that Telo was an honest man who had worked hard to give his children the best education. When they grew up, they became exemplary citizens. Telo, for his part, looking old and lonely, asked to join the Athenian army and died defending his country.

The legend of Croesus says that the king was a bit annoyed with that explanation. So he questioned Solon saying: “ And outside of Telo, who do you think is the happiest man? Solon thought a moment and then spoke of a young Athenian who had saved from poverty and then her mother had died defending the poor.

Croesus was already exalted. Then, he asked him directly: “ I am the richest man on the face of the earth. I rule a prosperous kingdom where everyone lives well. Why don’t you think I haven’t been the happiest man in the world ? ” The wise man replied: “We will have to wait until you die to find out. You don’t know what the future holds for you and life is pure contingency ”.

Top view of a boat

An unexpected outcome

Croesus did not agree to the sage’s answer. However, he attended to him with kindness and told him that the doors of his palace would always be open to him. Years passed and a powerful king named Cyrus emerged. He commanded large and ferocious armies. He wanted to conquer all of Asia and in his purpose he invaded the kingdom of Croesus and ended up capturing the king.

Croesus was mistreated and spat on. When they were going to kill him, Croesus remembered the sage. ” Solon, Solon … “, he said sadly. Ciro heard him and was curious. He asked him why he mentioned that name and with great sorrow Croesus told him the story.

Cyrus was very taken aback when he heard the words that the sage had said. He thought for a moment and recognized that it was indeed an intelligent reflection. You never know what might happen in the future. Fearing what might happen to him, he said ” I will do with Croesus what I want others to do with me. He then ordered his release and since then has treated him like just another friend.

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