The Time Has Come To Dare To Take The Step

One of the foods of indecision is the fear of making a mistake, of choosing an option that is not the most appropriate later. This fear to decide can be very powerful in important situations or in decisions that are not reversible.
The time has come to dare to take the step

It is the moment to take the step, to dare, to risk with all the consequences. In other words, the day has come to take the step and make that decision that has already been made internally for a long time.

With these lines we refer to those occasions in which we have wanted to produce a change or take a certain course, but we have not been able to carry that change to term, it has remained only in intention.

At times there is some difficulty in making decisions, we are not able to take the step even if it is what we have been longing for, staying in the comfort zone even though we are aware that it is not good for us to continue there. It should be noted that being in the comfort zone does not have to be negative, but depends on whether that zone brings us benefits or, on the contrary, hurts us.

It happens that you suddenly wake up one morning and feel that at that very moment is your moment to take the step, that you are ready to face the situation. This is when you feel ready to make the change you need. But why didn’t I dare to take the step before? What was holding me back?

Woman walking the path of detachment

Why didn’t I dare to take the step before?

Fear of being wrong

Failure (making a mistake) implies fear and the clearest consequence of this fear is, without a doubt, “not daring to do, not making decisions to eliminate potential risks”, explains Carmelo Vázquez, professor of Psychopathology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

So one of the causes of indecision is the fear of making a mistake, of choosing an option that later is not the most appropriate. This fear of deciding can be very powerful in important situations in our life or in decisions that are not reversible. For example: when choosing a career or choosing a professional career, when in doubt about whether to stay with your partner or separate, the fact of moving to another city …

Fear can lead us to postpone the decision, that is, since I don’t know what to do or which way to go, I postpone the decision for later. In a way, we hope that new information will appear that will give us security or that it is time that defines the situation.

Fear of not being in control

When we make a decision, we cannot be certain that the path chosen is the best one for us. For example, if I decide to change jobs, I cannot know for sure whether I will feel comfortable in that job later. In this sense, taking the step implies taking certain risks due to the new situation and that can cause us fear.

The feeling of security, as Abraham Maslow affirms, is one of the primary needs of the human being, and it is part of his natural instinct to want to preserve what we have. Now, what happens if we only move in the contexts in which we feel safe? Well, it is very likely that the fact of not taking risks can limit our decisions and as a consequence, our actions.

Worried man

Fear of losing

Taking the step could mean leaving parts of our life behind or perhaps it could lead to changes that modify dynamics already established in our partner, family or friends. In this way, a certain fear of losing an important person could arise due to the fact of making that decision, which can slow us down.

Likewise, there can be a certain fear of letting go of what we have, the routine established for years or the work that we have been doing for a long time. Remember that sometimes it is necessary to “lose” in order to later win. 

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