There Are Things That I Already Give Up For Lost, Even If I Know Where To Find Them

There are things that I already give up for lost, even if I know where to find them

How many things have you given up for loss in your life? Sometimes it is difficult to see them, it is difficult to realize that each effort we invest, each aspect that we give up for certain people or for some projects, is like strands of smoke escaping through an open window.

The reason why it is difficult for us to perceive that everything we do sometimes is not going to be of much use, is because of the emotional cost itself . For the illusion, for the dreams, for the hopes. It is these positive emotions that give us encouragement every day, and they are the ones that more than once blindfold us .

Until the disappointment arrives , until that moment arrives when we realize that the balance of life is somewhat unbalanced, that we have nothing left, that we have not received anything and that that dream was a bad dream.

Have we done wrong? Are we perhaps to regret everything we have done? Never. Who does not fight for his dreams is not brave, who does not fight for his illusions does not reach the moon. Be proud of your courage, but remember that a withdrawal on time is also prudent and wise …


Those useless battles in our life …


Daria Petrilli


We will start by pointing out something important: nobody knows that a battle or a dream has been useless until reality hits us with all its harshness. Until then, every illusion will nurture every step and every thought, every effort and every act invested.

It does not matter if we are talking about a job, a friendship or a relationship. Life is a long succession of moments in which to put ourselves to the test, of chapters to enjoy, to fight for and to learn from. Because learning is that vital key that must be the backbone of each day of our existence.

It is possible that you have made mistakes and that by now, you have already left a lot for lost. Should you regret it? Absolutely. Regretting a mistake is feeding bitterness over a choice made at a time in our life.

No battle is useless because it is life lived and experience gained. However, do not forget that the most important thing in all this is knowing how to realize as soon as possible that this project does not deserve our efforts. That this relationship does not deserve our resignations or our suffering.


When is the time to “write off something”?


Lucy campbell


It may be an obvious question, but in reality it is not and that is why we are going to delve into this aspect. In fact, it is very possible that right now many of us are nurturing hopes and projects in a dimension that does not deserve it or “that does not deserve us”.


1. The power of false expectations


There are times when we make the mistake of blaming others for feeding false illusions in us, when in reality, it is possible that the responsibility falls on our part. There are those who set their sights on that dream job, when they may not have the training or the skills.

There are also those who fix all their emotions and anxieties on a person who has never really given them any clue that they feel something for him or her. That is, we must never lose sight of objectivity, balance, and perspectives.


2. The emotional cost


That inner force that human beings have called emotion, is actually a powerful and dangerous engine. Sometimes it makes us give everything, even our last breath for that loved one, for that long-awaited dream.


Christian schloe


We do not see the limits and we open our hearts without reading the instruction manual, the one that as a first rule should tell us “be careful, look out for yourself, protect your self-esteem” . However, we do not always do so.

We must learn to be more receptive, to tell ourselves that we also deserve to RECEIVE. Does that friendship offer you support, complicity, respect and recognition? Then go ahead.

Does that affective relationship give you happiness, feed your illusions? Does he invest in you as much as you do, has he given up something just as you have ever had to do? If not, reflect and make a decision.

Image Courtesy: Daria Petrilli, Christian Shloe

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