Why Do Couple Conflicts Increase On Vacation?

In this article we give you some ideas to cushion or avoid couple conflicts during vacation periods. A period especially prone to increasing the time of coexistence, so we have to be more attentive.
Why do couple conflicts increase on vacation?

For many, the holidays are primarily an opportunity to look your partner in the eye. The frenetic activity of the day to day stops and there you are both. Willing to share experiences and reduce couple conflicts.

Sometimes you find yourself in a dream city with google maps and a map; then you realize how estranged you are from the other person. By not being able to disconnect in any way, you feel that what you want is to lose sight of the company.

People who have experienced a breakdown know that the crack and the end rarely occur on the same day. On the other hand, on many occasions, when there are unresolved conflicts, the timeshare only serves to exacerbate them.

Very high expectations can generate couple conflicts

Many couples hope to recover, during this parenthesis, the spark of other times. Women want to meet again with the tenderness of the best times, men usually miss passion more.

Expectations are often excessive, illusory, because vacations are also limitations, unforeseen events to manage and, sometimes, conflicts. Coexistence 24h / 24h does not always flow from origin, to the chagrin of lovers, who may even have the impression of suffocating in the same framework that they have been wanting for a long time.

Angry couple on vacation

What can we do to avoid couple conflicts on vacation?

Summer is a time when the number of adulteries increases, as well as breakups and new beginnings.

Next, we are going to present you some strategies so that coexistence does not break the couple after having a routine for several months in which this shared time is scarce.

Together, but not too much

During vacations, timeshare can go from too little to too much. In this sense, vacations can be an excellent opportunity to increase time together, but also to be sensitive when doing so, understanding that any change needs an adaptation.

Leisure and boredom

Another possible stone on which the couple may stumble: the balance between exits and rest. It is best to find a balance: plans in which there is a lot of movement interrupted with others in which rest and tranquility predominate.

It is very good to be bored. To be together, simply, in a kind of vacancy in a void that is actually filled with the other, with which one feels good, without the slightest effort.

Choose the type of holiday and the price together

In choosing the place of vacation, it is not necessary to embark on a hike or a camping trip if, once there, you chain the reproach. You have to bet on common tastes and talk about their respective wishes and the economic rhythm that you want to give to the stay.

Try something new and exciting

Much research shows that new or exciting events bring people together. Take the opportunity to strengthen the bond. When common goals are shared and the gaze is raised to the horizon, it is more difficult for conflicts to appear as a couple.

It will also allow you to see your  partner in a new light. You could discover a person much more daring than in everyday life or find other qualities that you did not know.

Holidays without children and without guilt

Children will miss us. However, if we leave them, it is not only to be a better couple, it is also to be, after the holidays, better parents than before. To privilege the conjugal couple is to nurture the good things for the parental couple, who will be more supportive and united upon their return.

In case of pre-existing conflicts, choose a relaxing vacation

If things have been a bit tense in your relationship lately, opt for a relaxing vacation. All-inclusive packages will be your allies. Don’t try the week of hiking in the Alps or backpacking in Asia. Enjoy your vacation to ease tensions, reduce the possibility of disputes, and for that, nothing better than idleness and destinations with few surprises.

Stay calm in the face of unforeseen events

Bad weather, rental car that breaks down, hotel much less charming than expected … Holidays always reserve their lot of contingencies.

Being on vacation is not about being in a bubble. It is not realistic to think that there will be no problem.

Couple talking about their times

Take care of our expression to avoid couple conflicts

So far we have given recommendations to make shared vacations more bearable. Now we are going to point out some classic “gaffes” that lead to relationship conflicts.

  • On the train, sit on the side of the window (and sleep comfortably) after having proposed a drink at the cafeteria to cope with the journey.
  • Change the radio station without first reaching an agreement.
  • Prefer to leave your dirty clothes at the foot of the bed instead of in the bag provided for this purpose and in which there is an embroidered with “dirty clothes” in red letters.
  • Forgetting to close the cap (assembly) of the toothpaste tube.
  • To evoke the dream, talk about the next morning while lying in bed: “Do you remember if we have to bring the refrigerator tomorrow?”
  • Losing someone else’s object, such as the charger or the phone.
  • Spending too much time on social media.
  • Say one of these sentences: “I told you so” or “I wouldn’t have done it that way.”
  • Laughing too hard at overly recurring jokes from your best friend’s spouse.
  • Say “we” instead of saying it to yourself: “Shall we take the beach towels?”, “Do we think about sunscreen?”, “Do we buy milk?”.
  • Ask the other if he is angry several times in a row, to really annoy him.

After the holidays

All excuses are good for arguing after the holidays. These confrontations can start for a reason without too much importance, such as delaying involvement in housework.

This feeling of anger is only a reflection of the end of the holidays, the end of a moment of happiness that ends. We hope that all these recommendations are useful and you can enjoy a well-deserved vacation or write down these tips for the next ones.

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