Your Inner Peace Will Begin The Day You Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Handled

Your inner peace will begin the day you do not allow yourself to be handled

Our inner peace begins on the same day that we do not allow ourselves to be managed. This is when our emotions cannot be manipulated based on unhealthy beliefs and demands from others.

That feeling of peace is a true reflection that we have made the right decision. That is the most obvious sign, thanks to which we will have the guarantee of maintaining a mental and physical balance.

Thus, what we must try is to manage the expectations we have about ourselves. Avoid reactions to offenses and praise, so as not to be angry or vain.

When we live subjected to what others expect or seek in us, we are prioritizing the options of others and not listening to what we really need.

That is why it is essential that we make our own decisions, because only that leap into the void can fill us with peace and generate large doses of courage, responsibility and emotional well-being.

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Be selective in your battles

Be selective in your battles, because sometimes having peace is better than being right. Because your inner peace is not negotiable and depends solely on you and that you are faithful to your alter ego , the same one that is revealed when you consider whether or not to agree to the demands of others.

Thus, although when it comes to saying , we must pay attention to our hearts, once we have made the decision to get rid of the pressure of the people who want to manage us, we have to take responsibility and take back the helm that guides us to demolish fears. For this we must take into account the following:

  • It is not easy to deal with uncertainty.
  • Each process of change carries with it a certain degree of discomfort that we have to tolerate.
  • Every decision must go hand in hand with integrity.
  • It is necessary to know that when opening a door, different paths can be shown that show the need to walk more and more paths in the search for our inner peace.
  • Leaving the people who hurt us behind will always be positive. However, another question arises before us: to distance ourselves physically and emotionally. Sometimes only the first one, which a priori might seem sufficient, is not possible. That is why we must do a great inner work.
woman with cup of coffee


Who cultivates inner peace, transmits tranquility

Whoever cultivates his inner peace transmits tranquility to the rest of the world. Why? Because the mind is like water. When you are calm you can reflect the beauty of your surroundings. However, when it is agitated, it does not matter what is in front of it, it will be unable to reflect it.

The same happened to us. We cannot educate our children well if we have lost our temper along the way. Nor will it be possible for us to lead a healthy life or to relate well if there is a great storm in our mind.


That is why it is important that we keep in mind that inner peace is one of the greatest riches that a person can possess. This does not mean that we have to bear with patience everything that comes our way until we reach the point of not being able to do anything but explode. It is about eliminating external expectations and attending to what we want.

Thus, attending to what we want to attract and leaving aside what weighs us down, we will achieve the inner peace that we long for. Let us remember that self-love has a limit called dignity and, in that, we cannot admit discounts of any kind.

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